
– Celebrating 25 Years of Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Month: January 2011


DVD Review: The Adventures of Merlin the Complete Second Season

Cometh with me if you want to liveth.

Season two of the BBC’s hit series Merlin surprised me.  I wasn’t sure after the end of season one that the series would be able to maintain its momentum, or develop its characters deeply enough to make the show believable for any length of time.  One of the things you have to love about BBC productions however is that they’re so obviously not Hollywood, everything seems so much more real in a BBC series, and Merlin is no exception.   Perhaps it sounds strange to place a show based entirely on fantasy into the category of “more real”, but bear with me while I make my case.

DVD Review: Dark Skies: The Declassified Complete Series

History as we know it is a lie

Conspiracy and science fiction have been popular television themes since the invention of the cathode ray tube, and when the two mesh it’s often magic. In the middle of The Fugitive, V, X-Files, Lost, and Fringe are 1996’s Dark Skies.


Blu-ray Review: Battlestar Galactica Season Four

Since the final moments of the original mini-series pilot of the current re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, fans have been teased with the fact that one or more of the members of the colonial fleet might actually be Cylon Sleeper Agents. As the Third Season came to a close, Col. Tigh, Sam Anders, Tory Foster, and Galen Tyrol were revealed to be members of the “Final Five” Cylons. Now the group must decide if they will continue on as members of Humanity or side with their true nature. All will stand revealed in these final episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season 4 are now available on Blu-ray!

Lots of spoilers people. You have been warned. So say we all.


Episode Highlights

DVD Review: Black Panther Motion Comic

We had iPads before you had televisions. What now, bitchez?

In 2005 Reginald Hudlin (House Party, House Party 2, House Party 3) and John Romita Jr. (Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Invincible Iron Man, Kick-Ass) brought back Marvel’s first black hero into volume 3 of The Black Panther ongoing series. This is a great comic whose initial 6-issue arc was strong and lent itself to an animated miniseries perfectly, but really that’s not unique among great comics, right? What’s notable here is the how and why this particular comic arc got made into a miniseries.

Blu-ray Review: Twelve


Based on the book of the same name written by the 17-year old (at the time) Nick McDonell, Twelve offers a fast paced journey through a week in the life of a young drug dealer. “White Mike” has never done any drug or used alcohol to distract him from the reality of his situation.  His mother is dead from cancer, he has fantastic childhood friends who have been there every step of the way, his family is well-respected in the community…and he’s dropped out of school to become a successful drug dealer to spoiled rich kids in the Upper East Side.  Kiefer Sutherland (24) narrates this seedy tale of when the privileged life meets the underbelly of society and how mutually damaging it can be.

The Flick


Movie Review: The Green Hornet

What is the one thing all heroes have in common? They’re all obvious good guys. Any villain knows that knocking the city around a little bit is going to bring a good hero running. So, what happens when an Average Joe decides to pose as one of the bad guys, while actually trying to save the city from an underground crime syndicate? Well, you either get one very dead Joe, or the story of The Green Hornet.

DVD Press Release: Dark Skies: The Declassified Complete series


Secrets and Conspiracies Spill from All 19 Original Riveting Episodes,extensive DVD Bonus Content, Special Booklet and much more!



DVD Review: Archer Season 1

Within the past decade or so, the amount of animated shows for mature audiences has been on the rise. Shows like Family Guy, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast have gained much popularity for pushing the envelope from what people are normally use to seeing and experiencing in animated tv series. It helps that Cartoon Network developed their own sub-channel, Adult Swim, dedicated entirely to such adult programming. Adam Reed who got his start working for Adult Swim and Williams Street creating and writing such shows as SeaLab 2021, Frisky Dingo and the aforementioned Space Ghost: Coast to Coast captured people’s attentions with his fast paced, Arrested Development style writing and brand of off-beat quirky humor and quickly gained himself a small cult following of fans for it. His newest show, Archer, continues in his previous shows footsteps and yet greatly surpasses all of them in numerous ways. Now you can own Archer Season 1 on DVD!



DVD Review: Doctor Who- The Dominators

It is the time of the Second Doctor. Sci-fi history has been made with the first regeneration of the Doctor, ensuring the longevity of the series past any one actor, where an ensemble will keep the show running for decades. It is the start of the second Doctor’s final season. He has faced countless enemies: The Daleks, and the Cybermen being the most famous of them. He has had a few companions over the course of his three seasons, and traveled from 18th century Scotland through Victorian London, then modern day earth, and on into the far future. With his companions, The Doctor has faced the Daleks numerous times. With the beginning of this season, The Doctor faces a new enemy. In this serial, “The Dominators” The Doctor faces a new race called The Dominators, and their robotic servants the Quarks.


Blu-ray Review: Wall Street – Money Never Sleeps

In 1986, the economy was strong. It was the “Me” Decade, and Wall Street was thriving. The brokerage firms of Wall Street had just gone through the insider trading scandals just a few years before, and confidence of the market had been shaken just a bit. The time was ripe to make a movie about Wall Street, and the excesses of those who worked there.  That year, Oliver Stone released the movie Wall Street, where he villainizes the corporate raiders of the film and the greed-filled society where everyone lived in a way that actually glamorized them, and created the current markets and the people who run them. In 2010, twenty-three years later Oliver Stone decided to revisit that world, and bring along one of the characters of the original film, Gordon Gekko, the Villain that everyone seemed to love, and wanted to imitate. In the sequel, Stone treads the waters of the market a couple of years back, during the recent financial collapse.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps follows the stories of both Gordon Gekko as he navigates the current economic market, and Jake Moore in his current life as a stockbroker, and his relationship with Winnie (Gordon’s daughter).

Now you can own Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on Blu-ray!


Blu-ray Review: The Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole

What if the legends your father told you as a child one day became true? What if the adventures he talked about became your adventure? Soren always dreamed that he would one day be able to fly through the air with the mythical Guardians. The Guardians were the ones that saved the Owl Kingdom from an evil group of owls known as The Pure Ones once upon a time. It never crossed Soren’s mind that one day he and his brother would be captured by those same evil ones. And now that he has escaped, it is up to him to search out the Great Tree and seek the Guardians to save the Owl Kingdom once again from the brainwashed army that the Pure Ones have created. Now you can own Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole on Blu-ray!

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