ComicsOnline Comic-Con 2010 Interview Coverage
San Diego Comic Con 2010 is over and the staff spent four days covering the events, panels, and more interviews than we can count, so many in fact that they are constantly being moved to another page. To make the video interviews easier to find here’s a list and the links to our interviews.
CC2010: Wolverine and the X-Men Interview with Chris Yost and Josh Fine
A new Avengers Animated Series is coming in 2010 to Disney XD! Check out the trailer below:
Blu-ray Review: The Losers

Hold on, I'm getting a call…
In 2003 writer Andy Diggle and artist Jock brought a new comic to DC's mature Vertigo line of comics: The Losers. As is often the case with Vertigo fare, this was no superhero comic. The Losers features a squad of mercenary spies who got burned by their government handler. Like many other Vertigo titles, The Losers is peppered with profanity and violence and duly earns its mature readers warning. Beside the distinctive fantastic artwork, one thing made The Losers stand out from other things on the newsstand: It was clearly meant for the big screen all along.
Blu-ray Review: Cop Out
Yippie-ki-yay, mother phoner! Sometimes the release of movies are impeccably timed with just the right holiday. You have your Christmas films released on Thanksgiving weekend, your horror films released for Halloween, and then you have your Kevin Smith film that…
Old School American Horror Panel: Hatchet 2
Adam Green, Tom Holland, Danielle Harris, R. A. Milaloff, Perry Shen