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The Tuesday Top Ten: E3’s Biggest Announcements

Welcome to the ComicsOnline Tuesday Top Ten!  I’ll pick the best of what’s out there each week and tell you about it.  This week, I’m highlighting the top ten biggest announcements at E3 this year.  If you somehow missed these, check your pulse.

10)-Sony Announces Twisted Metal Reboot


If there is one Sony franchise that I’d like to see return on the PS3, this was it.  This makes Mario Kart look like child’s play.  I hope that with the critical success of ModNation Racers that they make customization an option.  If the same level of quality present in the PS2’s Twisted Metal Black returns in this new re-boot, we’re all in for a treat.

9)-Gears of War 3 “Beast Mode” Announced


Gears 3wowed the crowd with what is arguably the best looking multiplayer experience shown at E3. Much like the Gears 2 addition of the Horde mode, Beast mode allows players to take control of the Locust Horde and fight off Human controlled COG. Now, instead of playing as Marcus and the gang, you’re able to destroy those pesky humans with Boomers, Tickers, Maulers, Kantus’s, Butchers and any of the amazing denizens the Locust army offers. It looks like Epic is set to raise the bar again for unique multiplayer modes.


8)-Sony Shows Off the Playstation Move


In what I feel is a blatant rip off of Nintendo’s Wii-mote technology, Sony showed off the “Move.” Despite its similarities, Sony provided some impressive support for the peripheral.  The orbs allow for better 3D control and better responsiveness – plus, the way games like Heavy Rain are going to use this technology really impressed me.


7)-Nintendo Unveils new 3DS handheld console


Compared to sales of any other console in the market, including Wii, The DS crushes them all.  Having sold over a million handheld worldwide, the DS continues to reign supreme.  Announcing this within a year after the DSiXL comes as a bit of a blow to the wallet, but it could be worthy of your hard earned dough.


6)-Nintendo Unveils New Zelda for Wii


For the first time ever, we got a glimpse of the first Wii exclusive Zelda game and I have to say, I’m psyched. The Nintendo press conference had a few rough bumps, but that didn’t deter from how awesome it looked.  See for yourself:


5)-Id finally shows off Rage


Not since Doom 3 have we seen something worthy of the Id label.  Following in the extremely large shoes of other post apocalyptic games like Fallout 3, Rage takes a more action-oriented approach.  This is one open world game I can’t wait to get my hands on.  Thanks to G4 for the demo footage.


4)- Microsoft Renames Project Natal “Kinect” and Shows It Off


With all the companies now cashing in on the motion-controller technology, you can’t expect the big MS to sit out.  Instead of shaking around a couple of wand shaped controllers, your body is now the controller.  I’m anxious to see more of this technology in action. 


3)- Capcom Shows Off Marvel VS Capcom 3 in Playable Form.


Next year can’t come soon enough.  Capcom showed off a new Marvel Vs Capcom 3 demo featuring 10 of the current fighters selectable in the upcoming, long-awaited sequel. I don’t think we’ll see the same number of characters from the 2nd game, but the inclusion of Dante from Devil May Cry, Chris Redfield from Resident Evil series and Deadpool certainly has me excited to play what is sure to be the biggest fighter for years to come.  I only hope that Capcom has a few more surprises in store for us.


2)-Portal 2 is Real!


The first true sequel to the best puzzle game ever created was finally revealed in sweet playable form.  Fans can definitely be excited about the return of GlaDOS and hopefully we’ll finally get to eat some cake.  Check out the E3 trailer.


1)-No New Console Announcements!


This year we saw a lot of new hardware announcements in the form of the Playstation Move, Microsoft Kinect, and the Nintendo 3DS.  What we did NOT see were the next round of consoles from the big three.  Companies make more money off of every piece of software sold while they generally lose money from hardware sales.  With the recent economic crunch, even game companies are trying to squeeze a few more years out of the current consoles.  That means we get to keep playing our favorite consoles for a few more years and witness every ounce of power squeezed out of them.

There you have it, the Ten Biggest Announcements at E3 This Year
Now for the bad news. As a bonus, I’ve came up with the Top Five Weakest Announcements at E3 This Year. 

5)-Ubisoft Announces Assassin’s Creed: Brother Hood


Although the first two games were incredibly fun, I feel that Ubisoft is really trying to churn out another quick sequel so they can cash in on it.  Between the first and second Creed, Ubisoft took the time to listen to what people liked and didn’t like about the first game and improved upon it in every way.  Dropping a year after Creed II, I’m worried that we’ll see a lot more of the same as the second without much improvements.

4)-Sony Announces Sly Cooper Collection for PS3


When every other publisher at E3 is showing off the newest games, accessories, and technologies, Sony takes a step backwards and unveils off a collection of games from its previous console. The Sly Cooper series were great offerings during the PS2 lifespan, but when the latest one is almost four years old, it’s time to create a new franchise.

3)-Halo Reach “Fire Fight Mode” Returns


The success of the Halo: ODST fire fight mode almost guaranteed this one, but it’s nice to finally know that it’s coming back again this fall.  With that said, I knew this one was coming a mile away.  With the success of Horde mode on Gears of War 2, I figured the firefight mode in ODST was a done deal and finding out it was returning in Reach was a no-brainer. Yes I’m excited to play it again, but when every gamer already knows it’s coming, it’s not hot news.

2)-Microsoft and Burger King Announce Launch Game for Kinect


Looking to follow up the holiday 2006 promotion, Burger King and the big MS announce another match made in hell.  This time they are looking to follow up the dismal three-pack of games with a Kinect compatible title sometime around the November 4th launch date. Let’s just hope we’re not sneaking around our living rooms attempting to hide in leaf piles and trash cans.

1)-Valve Has No Half-Life 2 Episode 3 Showing


Despite the amazing showing of Portal 2, we didn’t see a drop of Episode 3.  Very sad news indeed.

Like what you read?  Think something should or shouldn’t belong on the list? Have an idea for a future top ten list?  Just want to talk to me about cool stuff?  Leave a comment or hit me up at [email protected].

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