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DVD Review: Wolverine and the X-Men – Vol. 5: Revelation

Continuing the ongoing saga of the X-Men and their fight against the possible future, Wolverine and the X-Men – Vol. 5: Revelation continues to pull out all the stops. It delivers one of the most action and cameo packed X-Men stories to date continuing to build up to its epic conclusion. Will Logan and the crew finally be able to free Professor Xavier from his nightmare of a post apocalyptic world where all of mankind has been decimated while avoiding Senator Kelly and the MRDs who's made it their mission to hunt down and lock up all mutants? This volume comprised of 5 episodes really turns up the heat and brings in several fan favorite characters such as Phoenix, Apocalypse. and Archangel.



"Backlash" –
It turns out Mutants are now being rounded up by the masses by Senator Kelly's MRDs and its finally time for the X-Men to take a stand against this. Angel decides to disobey his father and attack Master Mold along with the rest of the team and their new allies, The Brotherhood in a attempt to change the future. The attack doesn't exactly go according to plan when Master Mold still manages to escape and adapts itself for future encounters.

"Guardian Angel" –
Angel finally has had enough of having to play nice in order to please his father and decides to break free after a confrontation between them. The MRD attack Angel upon his escape damaging his wings and having his father order them to be cut off. Mr. Sinister offers Angel a deal in exchange for new (metal!) wings. Under Mr. Sinister's guidance, Angel proceeds to hunt down those who have kept him from soaring for years.

"Breakdown" –
Cyclops falls during an important battle with longtime foe, the Juggernaut due to still being distracted over the loss of the still MIA Jean Grey. In an attempt to try and become a leader again Emma Frost assists Cyclops in erasing all of his past memories of Jean going through each memory one by one. In the process of doing so, it is revealed who the true attack on the mansion was caused by: None other than The Phoenix possessing Jean!

"Rover" –
In the future, the group of X-Men led by Charles Xavier have managed to capture and reprogram one of the many Sentinels. Marrow who has become attached to the giant robot, giving him the nickname Rover sees the machine as an actual being while the rest of the team sees him more of a tool. After finding out the true cause of the attack on the mansion and coming to the conclusion that The Phoenix may have been responsible for the future to end up the way it did, Charles decides his group of X-Men in the future need to attack Master Mold's base to gain the intel on what happened all those years ago. In order to get into the base, the team decides they will have to send in Rover who will most likely be destroyed in the attack which Marrow is opposed to.

"Aces and Eights" –
Senator Kelly is tired of all the waiting for Magneto to make his first move so the good Senator hires the rouge thief Gambit to steal Magneto's helmet to provoke an attack. Gambit uses Magneto's daughter to get close and try to steal the helmet as well as blowing up Genosha's power supply thus leaving the island crippled. In the end Gambit fails at stealing the helmet and the X-Men meet with both Senator Kelly and Magneto to explain what will happen in the future if they attack each other making them declare a truce.

"Shades of Grey" –
Jean's location is found out when she wakes up in a hospital and starts using her powers. The X-Men go to retrieve her while Archangel under orders from Mr. Sinister also locates and tries to capture her along with Cyclops in order to create the perfect mutant by collecting their DNA. They are rescued by the rest of the X-Men but not before Sinister is able to escape with the extracted DNA from Scott and Jean whom he delivers to his boss who is revealed to be Apocalypse.

Special Features:
-Audio Commentary with Craig Kyle, Greg Johnson and Chris Yost
-Trailer Gallery
-5.1 Dolby Digital Audio

Once again this series has shown that it can take multiple storylines from all over the X-Men's history and combine them all seamlessly into one huge overarching story that stays true to its comic book origins and to the 90's animated series which this series is highly influenced by. The ongoing storyline has great pacing and while the show is called Wolverine and the X-Men, a good time is spent on developing every character and giving them their moment to shine. It's also quite notable just how many random cameos from across the Marvel-verse they manage to throw in and have them all work. The series has continued to stay fresh and exciting thanks to the writing talents of Chris Yost and Craig Kyle who really do show that they know their X-Men and Marvel lore and what fans want from an X-Men series. gives Wolverine and the X-Men – Volume 5: Revelations- 5 timeless X-Men storylines out of 5.

Purchase your copy of Wolverine and The X-Men -Volume 5: Revelations on Amazon by clicking here.

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