Top 5 Anime Licenses of 2009

1. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
It's the first in the series of movies re-hashing the popular Evangelion series, and Funimation is bringing it to our shores. Even better, most of the original English dub cast came back to do the new dub track! (What can I say? Spike Spencer will always be Shinji Ikari to me.)

2. Sengoku Basara
GET YOUR GUNS ON! This is the series for people who love Japanese history but wish there were more magical armored hot guys wielding double swords and riding horses equipped with exhaust pipes. Oh yeah. You can also thank Funimation for this one; it'll be hitting store shelves in box sets sometime in 2010.

3. Monster
The classic manga-turned-anime by Naoki Urasawa is now being broadcast on the SyFy Channel thanks to Viz Media. The first boxset will be released early next month; it is a must-have for anyone who loves a good lengthy psychological drama.

4. Last Exile
Okay, not a license so much as a license rescue, thanks to — wait for it — Funimation. This series was being held by Geneon when it tanked, and was saved this year by Funi's kind company. It's one of my most favorite series ever, and the box set has already been re-released. LE fans, you may no longer despair over the DVDs being out of print.

5. .hack//G.U. Trilogy
I love anything that has to do with the .hack franchise, so this is very exciting news indeed. Bandai, who has released pretty much everything .hack these days, released this movie in the fall of this year. Quite frankly, any piece of media that brings us closer to a fuller understanding of The World is a plus by me.