Welcome back to the action packed series of Bleach in the 29th Volume. Ichigo, Uryu and Chad engage in some intense battles as they make their way in Hueco Mundo. Have they met their matches? Will there be anything left to fight the growing strength of their foes?
Nel and her brothers get in the way as the confrontations escalate. Ichigo is battling Dordoni. Wanting to return to the Espadas, yet knowing he is only an expendable weapon to Aizen, Dordoni still gives it his all. Ichigo struggles, he is holding back his spiritual powers. He believes he needs to be strong enough to defeat Dordoni without giving it his all, because if he survives this, he knows the next challenge will be even worse. Dordoni admires the true abilities of his foe and would not want to be defeated unless Ichigo gave him his best. Who will be the one to show mercy?
We next turn to Uryu. There is a major battle between him and the Arrancar Cirucci. It last about 75 pages! At one point, “slime” seems to be the way to win, but is it enough?
A theme of this volume could be “Only your best is enough”. Cirucci taunts her prey endlessly, but this seems to be fuel for the fire.
Last, Chad has his turn and I think he surprises himself more than his enemy.
And in the end, if all this fighting is too intense, a bonus trip to the beach will leave you relaxed.
Wow…If this is your first introduction into Bleach as it was mine, beware you’ll be hooked. There is a lot of complexity in the long running series. I assume most of you are already fans, so don’t miss this one. Avoiding any spoilers, all I can say is fighting losing battles leaves Ichigo, Uryu and Chad no choice but to pull out all the stops, but will this be enough in the end?
ComicsOnline gives Bleach Volume 29: 4.5 fearsome battles of of 5.