Recommended Movies for the Month of Shocktober
My favorite holiday that doesn’t get me out of school, and where no one buys me presents, is fast approaching – Halloween. That time of year where the ghosties and goblins and things that go bump in the night come out to scare us 'til we wet ourselves. Here’s a list of movies to prepare you for the horrors that await. And save your laundry budget.
10/01 – The Deaths of Ian Stone – One of the films from 8 Films to Die For Series 2. This is what happens when you don’t play by the aliens rules.

10/03 – Triple Feature – Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Freddy vs. Jason – The first in each of these series is the freshest, least campy, and scariest, and combining the two was just down right fun.
10/04 – Night of the Creeps – Alien parasites, a cold case with an obsessed detective, and zombie college students. In the 1980s. That’s scary.
10/05 – Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-a-rama – Demonic possession, bowling, and Brinke Stevens and Linnea Quigley. And a lot of fun to say.

10/06 – Night of the Demons – Another demonic possession ‘B’ movie, but there are some disturbingly great scenes. Like Linnea Quigleys’ solution for where to keep her lipstick.
10/07 – Mother of Tears – Part 3 of Dario Argentos’ “Three Mothers” trilogy. This one is the more accessible and disturbing. Witches taking over the world.
10/08 – Strangeland – A Dee Snider project where piercing is the preferred torture. Look for a young Linda Cardellini and Robert England as a different type of bad guy.
10/09 – Double Feature – Videodrome, Wizards of Gore (Remake 2007) – Murder, sex, drug use and reality manipulation are in both flicks. James Woods and Debbie Harry in Videodrome and Kip Pardue with Bijou Phillips in Wizards of Gore. You decide who’s the more twisted. “Long live the new flesh.”
10/10 – Masters of Horror Season 1 – Each episode is about 60 minutes so watch a bunch. Start with “The Fair Haired Child”, “Jenifer”, “Incident On and Off a Mountain Road”, and “Pick Me Up”. Then work your way through the rest.

10/11 – Lake Placid – Besides being a great cast, with giant crocodiles, who can resist Betty White dropping the f-bomb at the cops.
10/12 – The Ruins – Vacations in Mexico, mysterious archaeological ruins, young adults on vacation. What could go wrong?
10/13 – Killer Klowns from Outer Space – It’s campy, overacted, and has cheesy effects, but who can resist alien, cannibal clowns
10/14 – Penny Dreadful – 8 Films to Die For Series 1. A small basic cast, Rachel Miner trapped in a car with Mimi Rogers, who’s been killed, and an unknown antagonist. Embodies the feeling of being alone and terrorized.
10/15 – Dismal – I’m not sure of the release status of this small indie film, but if you can find a copy you will have the pleasure of college students, swamps, cannibals, and surprises.
10/16 – Double Feature – Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 – The first one is very cerebral in it’s terror, whereas the second is more action horror. One starts the terror and the other ends it (?).
10/17 – Triple Feature – Feast 1, 2, and 3 – Horny monsters, heroes, villains, Jason Mewes takes off his make-up, and Henry Rollins in pink sweatpants. How’s that for scary?
10/18 – Zombie Diaries – British movie told from three viewpoints: the beginning of the outbreak, the loners, and the survival camp. As the film progresses you are not sure who the real monsters are.

10/19 – Slither – Ever wonder what Nathan Fillion does when he’s not cruising the galaxy, or solving crimes and writing books? Why, he’s saving the world from alien slugs.
10/20 – Teeth – Here’s a girl who is taking a bite out of date abuse, literally.
10/21 – Battle Royale – This is another hard to find flick. A subtitled Japanese movie, based on the novel of the same name. The film takes the politics out of the story and centers on the school children’s fight for survival against each other.
10/22 – Silent Hill – Based on the game of the same name, this film follows the theme fairly well with some minor timeline problems. But if the introduction of Pyramid Head too early is the only problem, that’s not to bad.
10/23 – Double Feature – Wrong Turn 1 & 2 – These movies explain the problems with mixing hazardous waste with inbreeding and isolation.

10/24 – Triple Feature – Resident Evil, Alien, It!: The Terror From Beyond Space – Zombies from a virus, alien stalker on a spaceship, and the black and white version some feel was the basis from 21 years prior.
10/25 – The Hamiltons – 8 Films to Die For Series 1. A family with secrets and a surprise in the basement.
10/26 – Autopsy – 8 Films to Die For Series 3. Mad doctors, crazy interns, young adults, and a sick loved one. All that and a closed down hospital.
10/27 – 13 Ghosts – Tony Shaloub and Matthew Lillard take on an evil uncle and 12 evil, angry captive ghosts. And one kind, loving spirit. In a glass maze.
10/28 – Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter – This is an older Hammer Horror that may not be high on the scary scale, but it’s one of my favorite vampire hunter flicks.
10/29 – Midnight Meat Train – Ever wonder where the things that go bump in the night live and how they are fed? Thanks to Clive Barker you’ll wonder no more.

10/30 – Double Feature – Evil Dead, Night of the Living Dead – Low budget films with a high horror budget. They’re coming to get you Barbara.
10/31 – Triple Feature – Halloween 1 & 2, and Rob Zombie's Halloween – The first two changed the face of horror and how we look at the day, and the third made us look at it again.
I hope you enjoyed the list. If I missed something let me know. Share the scare. Happy Shocktober.