“A man made island, located on the edge of Tokyo, well off the beaten path, but now the time is drawing near, when this island of cold concrete will be set afire with passion. People will gather here to draw manga, search for manga and get passionate about manga! A joyous celebration of individuals who have staked their entire youth on dōjinshi. I’m speaking of COMIC PARTY!!!”
Kazuki Sendō and Taishi Kuhonbutsu have formed the "Brother 2" dōjinshi partner ship, and with these dōjinshi they will conquer the world… but not really. All Kazuki wants to do is is write his dōjinshi, but between Taishi’s world conquest plans and the rest of his friends' problems I'm surprised he has any time to do anything. With comic party just around the bend Kazuki better get cracking.
Dōjinshi – (Dō-jin-shi) self written and published manga.
A comic party is an event where dōjinshi writers come together and sell their latest manga. Going to the comic party is the main theme, about half of the time is spent on other stuff that is only sort of, or not, related to a comic party. This series is really about the life of an Otaku, Kazuki Sendō. Even though Kazuki Sendō is the main character, a lot of the time the focus is on one of his friends, yet he is always the hero. Besides comic parties another popular subject is sports. My favorite sport that they play is the war simulation played with laser guns (“Not a child's play thing!”). After Taishi takes Kazuki and his friends to an unescapable camp ground, they run in to a group of war fans that are using the camp. So Kazuki makes a deal with the war fans that if they beat them that they will show Kazuki the way back down the mountain.
Comic Party Revolution is a perfect anime about Otaku. It may not have ton of action or suspense, but it is sure funny. The characters in Comic Party Revolution are so nerdy that it’s like they are in one of the manga that they love. There is the hero, the side kick, the tough guy, the sick and/or dying one, the love interest and every other typical anime character that you can think of. This series reminds me of the movie Otaku no Video, as they both mock the ways of the Otaku and celebrate them at the same time . Even though this mocks Otaku, I think that Otaku would find it funnier than most. It has some things that only an Otaku would understand and it tells the truth about how we want to rule the world. For you who are just getting into anime, Comic Party Revolution is a great way to see what you are getting into before it’s to late.
ComicsOnline gives Comic Party Revolution 5 out of 5 freshly written dōjinshi.