You’re on your way to an important meeting, and the road is blocked by an accident with a truck carrying hazardous material. What do you do? Look for a different route, of course.
Wrong Turn tells the story of six young people who get lost and stranded on a backwoods road. Chris Flynn (Desmond Harrington – Dexter) is on his way to an interview and takes a shortcut to avoid the traffic backup due to an accident, when he runs into five people stranded by flat tires. Chris, along with Jesse Burlingame (Eliza Dushku – Dollhouse), Carly (Emmanuelle Chriqui – Entourage), and Scott (Jeremy Sisto – Law and Order) and go to call for help, leaving Francine (Lindy Booth – Dawn of the Dead) and Evan (Kevin Zegers – Zoom) to watch the cars and stuff. Also in the woods are the inbred, cannibal brothers known as Three Fingers (Julian Richings – Kingdom Hospital), Saw Tooth (Garry Robbins – The Love Guru), and One Eye (Ted Clark – Cleopatra 2525) who decide these kids are dinner.
Isolation, inbreeding and mutations have been staples in horror, but Wrong Turn is compelling to watch. First, the brothers are not pretty, and have limited education and verbal skills, but what they lack in smarts they make up for in their stalking and hunting skills. So you know it’s coming but you don’t know when or where. Also, the forest adds to the creep factor as well as adding perilous places to run, hide, and fight. The escape from the fire tower into the treetops is frighteningly well done.
Special Features include:
– Commentary by director Rob Schmidt and cast Desmond Harrington and Eliza Dushku
– Deleted Scenes
– Four Featurettes: The Making of Wrong Turn
Eliza Dushku: Babe in the Woods
Stan Winston
Fresh Meat: The Wounds of Wrong Turn
– Original Theatrical Trailer
Wrong Turn is a fresh take on the wilderness survival horror genre. Not only are there good guys to root for, but the bad guys have personalities that give you more reason to hope for their demise. And on Blu-Ray the scenery is magnificent, the action is spectacular, and the gore pops. Stan Winston's effects and make-up doesn’t hurt either,
ComicsOnline gives Wrong Turn 4 barbwire garrotes out of 5