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Blu-ray Review: Lost Season 1 and 2

"And then the Moster ate the pilot…"

When a simple trip from Australia to LA takes a deadly turn, the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 find themselves stranded on a desert island in the middle of nowhere. Now the 48 survivors look to Doctor Jack Shephard for guidance. The people who are stuck on this island have a diverse background, but the main focus of the series is put towards the doctor (Jack), a convict (Kate), a con-man (Sawyer), a married Korean couple (Jin and Sun), a paralyzed box salesman (Locke), a former solider (Sayid), a stuck-up brother and sister (Boone and Shannon), a very pregnant woman (Claire), a musician (Charlie), a father and his son (Michael and Walt), and the lovable fat guy (Hurley). If things weren't crazy enough having to deal with a plane crash, they soon learn that this is no ordinary island…Now you can enjoy all of Lost: The Complete First Season and Lost: The Complete Second Season on Blu-ray!


Lost: The Complete First Season:

Lost really came out of nowhere. The Pilot, which aired at Comic-Con San Diego, took fans and critics by surprise. When you first think about being trapped on an island, thoughts gravitate towards Gilligan's Island or Survivor…well this show is totally different than anyone could have expected. The tone and pacing of the series is fully demonstrated in the intense pilot. Plane crash, people coming together, the realization that no one really knows where they are, and the revelation that the island is "special" not only for its amazing healing properties, but for the fact that there is some kind of monster ready to hunt them down at a moments notice…And keep in mind…this was just the first two hours of the series!

For those of you who watched from the beginning, you will have to admit that you were probably hooked on the show around episode 4 when we learn more about the backstory of Locke. We soon learn that not only is the island special, but each of the characters that we come to encounter has experienced some traumatic backstory in which they are trying to seek redemption. Through a series of flashbacks we learn about each of these characters and what connection they have to each other and the island itself. Additionally, several of these characters have more in common with one another than they realize.

Highlights from Season One:
"Tabula Rasa"- This is the episode that personally got me hooked on the series. Finding out more about the mysterious John Locke really put this show into perspective. Locke has a full on encounter with the monster (we don't actually see what it looks like however).

"Solitary"- After many episodes we learn that these survivors are not alone on the island. Sayid finds a cable running from the beach into the island. When he traces the cable he falls into the trap of a mysterious french woman. We soon learn that she was part of an expedition that crashed onto the island more than 16 years ago and that she is search for her missing child who was taken by "The Others".

"The Moth"- This Charlie-centric episode features flashbacks to his life with his band Driveshaft. We learn more about Charlie's addiction and about his musical career.

"Raised by Another"- We learn that one of the survivors has been lying…and wasn't on the plane! Who is this person, what does he want, and is how is he connected to the mysterious Others?

"Special"- This Michael and Walt flashback episode reveals that Walt has a bigger connection to the island. His special abilities aren't something to take for granted and that he will play a larger role in the rest of the series.

"Outlaws"- The Sawyer-centric episode features the most defining moment for this character. We soon learn why Sawyer became a Con and why he goes by the name Sawyer.

"Deus Ex Machina"- When Locke and Boone find a beachplane they attempt to radio for help…but when the plane falls from its purch Boone becomes the first sacrifice that the island demands.

"Exodus Part II"- Michael, Jin, Sawyer and Walt make a break from the island on the newly constructed raft while the rest of the survivors get ready for an all out battle with the Others. This episode ends with the opening of the mysterious hatch and Jack, Locke, Hurley, and Kate about to being their decent! TO BE CONTINUED!

Special Features:
-The Lost Flashbacks- All-new, Unseen Flashback Reveal Additional Secrets
-Welcome to Oahu: The Making of the Pilot
-The Genesis of Lost- Series Creators Tell How the Show was Conceived
-Designing a Disaster
-Before They Were LOST- Casting Footage
-Deleted Scenes and Bloopers


-1080p Video
-English 5.1 Dolby Digital Sound
-Seamless Menus

Lost: The Complete Second Season :

Before we get the answers that we were all hoping for we get more questions. The second season starts off a little different than everyone had expected, as we see a man waking up, eating breakfast, and riding his exercise bike…when suddenly a loud alarm goes off! What is happening you might ask? Well this man is apparently LIVING below the island in the mysterious hatch! Who is Desmond and what connection does he have with the survivors of Oceanic 815? And what is the true purpose of the hatch? And how is all of this connected to the Others? Like I said, there are a lot of new questions.

Highlights from Season Two:
"Man Of Science, Man of Faith"- The Second Season opener introduces us to Desmond Hume, The Dharma Initiative, Penny Widmore, Charles Widmore, and the mysertious computer that must have a code entered every 108 minutes or else the world as we know it will cease to exist. We also learn that Desmond has met Jack before both men came to the island!

"Adrift"- The fates of Michael, Jin, and Sawyer are revealed after the shocking attack by the Others and the capture of Michael's son Walt. Will these men make it back to shore before they are eaten by a shark? And WHY does the Shark have a logo on its fin?

"Orientation"- This episode reveals more about the mysterious Dharma Initative. We also get the startling revelation that there are more survivors from Oceanic Flight 815! Enter the Tailies!

"The Other 48 Days"- This episode reveals what has happened to the other survivors during the last 48 days and what they had to endure.


"The Long Con"- We get more back story on Sawyer while he was doing a "long con". Sawyer tricks everyone into giving up the guns so that he can take control of the camp!


"One Of Them"- Danielle returns and wants help with an Other that she has captured. Jack and Locke put him in a room in the hatch to keep him seperated from the rest of the survivors until they can figure out what to do with him. His claims to be Henry Gale, and that he crashed on the island with his wife in a hot air balloon.

"Materinity Leave"- The best ending to an episode in the entire series. We soon learn more about Henry Gale and we got to see how truly evil this character can be.

"Two For the Road"- After Michael returns from his search for Walt, he starts acting…different. Can the survivors trust thier former friend? What lengths will he go to in order to save his son? Get ready for more characters to bite the dust folks.

"Live Together, Die Alone"- Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and Michael set off into the jungle to save Walt from the Others. The rest of the survivors get another surprise when a sail boat suddenly appears off of the shoreline…who is in the boat? DESMOND! This two part episode reveals more of Desmond's story and his relationship with Penny Widmore. How he got to the island, who was the prior person in the hatch, and how does this all relate to the crash of Flight 815 will all be revealed!

Special Features:

-Lost Flashbacks- Secrets revealed in All New Flashbacks
-The Official Lost Connections- Shocking character connections are uncovered in this exclusive immersive experience
-Secrets from the Hatch
-Mysteries, Theories, and Conspiracies- The Truth Revealed
-Lost on Location
-Fire + Water- An Episode from Concept to Completion
-Audio Commentaries
-Deleted Scenes and Bloopers

-1080p Video
-English 5.1 Dolby Digital Sound
-Seamless Menus

I honestly didn't watch Lost when it originally aired. It was just one more show and it didn't sound that interesting to me. When I kept hearing more and more about how this show was truely different I decided to pickup the first season on DVD. I ended up watching the first 16 episodes straight, without a break, slept for 4 hours, and then finished the rest of the season. Needless to say, I was hooked. Watching this show on disc is a totally different experience than watching it live each week, each have their merits, but you feel a lot more satisfied getting a lot of answers at once. The Blu-ray experience for me was quite the same. This show is entertaining as hell to watch. Season one keeps you hooked from start to finish. Season two is not quite the same in story but still manages to remain entertaining. If you own the show on DVDs, it is still worth owning on Blu-ray. The audio and video quality alone is a nice step up. This is a great show to own in high definition.

ComicsOnline gives Lost: The Complete First Season and Lost: The Complete Second Season 4.5 out of 5 mysterious islands.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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