Who watches the Watchmen? 300 lucky people at WonderCon 2009, that’s who! ComicsOnline was there to bask in the glorious film at the Metrion Theater in downtown San Francisco.
Now there are several questions that everyone wants to know. Without spoiling, we’ll answer at least two:
1. Does it live up to expectations? Yes.
2. Did Warner Brothers do it justice? Oh most certainly yes.
This is the most faithful adaptation of any book and or graphic novel to screen that I have ever seen. Yes there are some minor changes. We’ve all heard how they changed the ending a bit and how they removed the Black Freighter and Under the Hood interludes…but honesty, the film didn’t suffer as a result. Even with the slightly changed ending, the point of the story definitely gets across.
But don’t worry, if you must have the interludes they are being released on DVD shortly and a directors cut of the film will be splicing them back in! So for now, go to the theatres with the peace of mind that Zack Synder did a fantastic job. There is absolutely no question.
And just a warning: this is an extremely graphic story and they don’t pull any punches (or hold back on the blue genitailia). And do not take your kids to this film. Seriously. I’m not joking. You’re welcome.
This is the film we’ve all been waiting for. The bar has been reset and if this is the future of comic book adaptations I think the future is looking pretty bright.

Special thanks to Caleb (you know what you did).
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