Lighting strikes twice with the new dual disc DVD and Blu-ray releases of Hulk Vs. Marvel is kind enough to give us not one, but two different battles featuring the Hulk Vs Wolverine and the Hulk Vs Thor!
Hulk Vs Wolverine
Based on the trailer that Lionsgate released, we were lead to believe that this movie would focus on the original story of Hulk Vs Wolverine from Hulk 181 (which was Wolverine’s first appearance). In reality, the film is a great fight between the two character but has a different focus:
Wolverine is called up to Canada to stop a monster that has been causing death and destruction. Wolverine tracks the creature out into the wilderness only to find Bruce Banner, cold and alone. Wolverine of course tries to get information out of Banner but pushes him too far…thus causing the Hulk to emerge (this is where the fun begins). Marvel didn’t pull any punches when it came to the fight sequences in these films. Wolverine doesn’t just scratch the Hulk with his Adamantium claws…he impales the Hulk (there is actually blood on screen!) The fight goes on for a few minutes with Hulk literally beating the crap out of Wolverine and then the two get hit with tranquilizer darts by unknown forces. Wolverine wakes up to find himself back in the Weapon X facility! In this story Weapon X is comprised of Sabertooth, Deadpool (who literally steals every scene and is hands down the best part about the movie), Omega Red (don’t know why he’s there), and Lady Deathstrike (out of place as well). Weapon X wants to brainwash the Hulk and use him as a weapon…which is something Wolverine just won’t stand for. Wolverine breaks himself and Banner free and fights to escape from the facility.
Hulk Vs Thor
Every so often Odin, the protector of Asgard, must go into a week long sleep and leaves the protection of Asgard to the other Gods such as Thor. During this time all of Asgard’s enemies from the 9 realms attack and must be fended off. Typically this is not really a challenge for the Asgardians…but when the Hulk suddenly appears (thanks to Loki) they find themselves in a difficult situation. Hulk quickly dispatches with Balder, Hogun, and Volstagg and moves on to fight Thor himself. Thor learns that Loki is controlling the Hulk and wishes to use him to destroy Odin while he slumbers. Loki actually separates Banner from the Hulk in order to make the Hulk a more powerful weapon, but ends letting Banner die in the process. Thor and Loki must travel to Hell to save Banner’s soul and fix the damage that Loki has brought to Asgard. This movie features appearances by most of Thor’s arsenal of characters except for his alter ego, Dr. Donald Blake.
Special Features
The DVD and Blu-ray versions have all of the following features:
Hulk Vs Wolverine:
-Audio Commentary by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost
-Audio Commentary by Frank Paur, Kevin Altieri, and Butch Lukic
-“This is Gonna Hurt: The Making of Hulk Vs Wolverine” Featurette
-“Fan Frenzy: Hulk Vs Wolverine at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con”
-“First Look- Wolverine and the X-Men”
Hulk Vs Thor:
-Audio Commentary by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost
-Audio Commentary by Frank Paur, Sam Liu, and James Peters
-“Of Gods and Monsters: Making of Hulk Vs Thor” Featurette
-“Jack Kirby and Thor” Featurette
-First Look: “Thor: Tales of Asgard”
-Trailer Gallery
Blu-ray Only Features:
-1080p Video
-English 7.1 DTS HD Master Audio
This was a great release from Marvel. The direct to DVD releases have been somewhat hit or miss (Doctor Strange was a great surprise while Invincible Iron Man left a lot to be desired) and this release definitely got the job done. The Wolverine story was great and really showed a dark, full on battle with the Hulk. Deadpool was characterized perfectly and it makes me even more hopeful that we will see a Deadpool film (animated and/or live-action) in the future. This story was fast-paced and entertaining from start to finish. In Chris Yost’s new animated series Wolverine and the X-Men it is important to note that Steven Blum returns as Wolverine as well and that there is a rematch episode called “Wolverine Vs Hulk” 7 episodes into the series…so be on the look out for that.
Hulk Vs Thor however left a lot to be desired. It was great seeing the Asgardian characters in their natural habitat…but this feature was very slow moving. It was easy to get distracted and walk away from…Sure it was cool seeing Thor and Hulk fight…and seeing the Enchantress in that skimpy outfit was nice too…but overall the story just wasn’t in the same place as Hulk Vs Wolverine. It also makes me worry about the upcoming Thor movie which is supposed to be more of a mystical adventure (without his alter ego Donald Blake). I feel that this movie would have been much more entertaining if they went into the dual aspect of Blake and Banner and how they are both tied to these massive powerhouses. Don’t get me wrong, Hulk Vs Thor is totally worth watching…but after watching the Wolverine installment first I felt let down.
ComicsOnline gives Hulk Vs 5 out of 5 Merc with a Mouth moments.