Comic Book Review: Uncanny Avengers #1
Captain America knows fascism when he smells it. Captain Canada and his cronies in Alpha Flight may be willing to knuckle under, at least superficially, but the guy with the A on his head isn’t taking this lying down AND PUBLIC OPINION POLLS DON’T FACTOR IN! Uncanny Avengers Assemble!
Comic Book Review: Children of the Vault #1
Josh Powell takes you on a ride for his review of Children of the Vault #1 from Marvel.
Comic Book Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past DOOMSDAY #1
For the X-Men fans, the dystopian storyline known as “Days of Future Past” has been regarded as one of the most classic comic arcs of all time. That dark future has been teased for decades, but never fully explored…until now.
Comic Book Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past DOOMSDAY #1
For the X-Men fans, the dystopian storyline known as “Days of Future Past” has been regarded as one of the most classic comic arcs of all time. That dark future has been teased for decades, but never fully explored…until now.
Comic Book Review: Rogue & Gambit #5
When we last saw our lovebirds, they were dealing with more than just a spat between spouses. Powerbroker had control over Rogue, forcing her to attack her beloved Cajun (and take out all of her newlywed frustrations) with her fists rather than her words.
Comic Book Review: X-Men: Before the Fall – The Sinister Four
Mother Righteous of that terminated future was able to send herself back a load of data. What was it? What are the origins of the Sinister Four? This entry into the X-Men: Before The Fall storyline will answer some of these questions, but can we expect a character created by Chris Claremont to tie up all the loose plot threads? C’mon, son.
Comic Book Review: X-Men: Before the Fall – Heralds of Apocalypse
X-Men: Before the Fall – Heralds of Apocalypse deals with a character canonically older than civilization so a little backstory is justified even for the most ardent comic heads. It was OVER a millennium ago, 1986 ’twas, that the X-Men were roaring along so hard under Chris Claremont that Marvel decided to dip into the well again and break off the original X-Men (Cyclops, Angel, Beast, etc.) into a new team book of their own and leave the new kids of Storm and Wolverine and everybody to play by themselves…
Comic Book Review: Rogue & Gambit #4
Our favorite Cajun is still coming to grips with his ordeal in Otherworld and the events of Knights of X and that is putting a strain on his marriage to his ‘cher‘. He has followed his beloved Rogue on her current mission but has he also put in more danger with his recent decisions in the field?
Comic Book Review: X-Men #23
by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor We’ve known for a while that the Fall of X was coming, and things aren’t going so well for our favorite Krakoan heroes. The Sins of Sinister might be over, but that doesn’t mean…
Comic Book Review: Captain Marvel #49
By Tony Rhea, Reporter Strap in and blast off into the cosmos for the emotional finale of the “Revenge of the Brood” storyline in this month’s Captain Marvel #49! Official Description: GRIEF WILL BE HER DOWNFALL! Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Hazmat and…
Comic Book Review: Wolverine #33
by Tony Rhea, Reporter Hello Friends! Another month brings us another new adventure with everyone’s favorite Canadian as he pursues Beast Prime and his “Weapons of X” in Wolverine #33. Official Synopsis WEAPONS OF X! The landmark Weapons of X storyline continues…
Comic Book Review: Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1
by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief SPOILERS ABOUND! Back in Powers of X (by Hickman, et al) Moira MacTaggart was revealed to be not a human after all, but a mutant whose power is that her death resets reality. It was in…
Lenore Zann (Rogue) discusses X-MEN: The Animated Series
Lenore Zann (Rogue) discusses X-MEN: The Animated Series at C2E2 2023!
George Buza (Beast) discusses X-MEN: The Animated Series
Matt Sernaker interviews George Buza (Beast) from X-MEN: The Animated Series at C2E2 2023!
Catherine Disher (Jean Grey) discusses X-MEN: The Animated Series
Matt Sernaker interviews Catherine Disher (Jean Grey) from X-MEN: The Animated Series at C2E2 2023!