Comic Book Review: Power Rangers Prime #5
by Matt Sernaker, ComicsOnline The entire Power Rangers Prime team has officially arrived, and what happened next is something that we’ve been waiting decades to see. Power Rangers Prime #5 hits comic stores this week thanks to Boom! Studios and…
Comic Book Review: Power Rangers Prime #2
by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief It’s time to get back to action, because Power Rangers Prime #2 from Boom! Studios is now available. This bold new title puts an interesting twist on the Power Rangers Universe, and now is the perfect…
Advance Review: Power Rangers Prime #1 (Spoiler-Free)
by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief As a franchise, Power Rangers is well known for leveraging the power of reinvention. For over 30 years, fans have watched as their favorite multi-colored heroes morphed into action to fend off the forces of evil…
Comic Book Review: Power Rangers: Across the Morphin Grid
It’s Morphin Time! Power Rangers might not be on our screens at the moment, but the morphinomenal story continues thanks to our friends at BOOM! Studios.
Comic Book News: BOOM! Studios Presents a New Era of Ongoing Power Rangers Comics with POWER RANGERS PRIME
Groundbreaking Power Rangers writer, and scribe behind Darkest Hour Melissa Flores, along with acclaimed artist Michael Yg (Iron Fist) ushers in a new era into the Rangers Mythos with an unmissable first chapter in the new ongoing series POWER RANGERS PRIME! Coming this Fall from BOOM! Studios, in collaboration with leading toy and game company Hasbro–the ONLY place to get new, official POWER RANGERS stories.
Comic Book News: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1 sells out and goes to second printing!
Press Release: LOS ANGELES, CA (August 1, 2024) – BOOM! Studios, together with leading toy and game company Hasbro, announced today that the FINAL issue in the eight-year comic book saga… MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: DARKEST HOUR #1 has sold out at the…
ComicsOnline Exclusive: MMPR: The Return #4 – Review and Interview with Co-Writer Matt Hotson
We’ve finally made it. New Comic Book Day has arrived, and with it, Olivia Hart makes full debut as the new Mighty Morphin Green Ranger! This new teenager with attitude arrives on the moon to save the day in the big finale of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return from BOOM! Studios. We needed a hero, and now we get to see what dreams are made of… (IYKYK).
Comic Book Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120
It’s time to go beyond the grid as readers return to the world of The Void in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 from BOOM! Studios. It’s been several years since we last had time with the Solar Rangers, so fans are in for a treat with the release of this week’s installment. How are these heroes dealing with the ongoing threat of the Darkest Hour? Well…let’s just say that it could be going better.
Exclusive Interview: MMPR: The Return #3 deep dive with Co-Writer Matt Hotson
We’re nearing the end as the penultimate issue of MMPR: The Return #3 from BOOM! Studios hits stores this week! ComicsOnline is pleased to get “back to action” for another exclusive deep dive with Co-Writer Matt Hotson. What secrets were revealed in this issue? SPOILER WARNING IS ON! May the Power Protect You.
ComicsOnline Exclusive Interview: Matt Hotson discusses MMPR: The Return #2
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #2 from BOOM! Studios is now available at your local comic store!
The second chapter shifts things into turbo high-gear with an action-packed and emotional thrill-ride. There is so much packed into this morphinomenal installment, and we are pleased to once again do a deep dive with co-writer Matt Hotson.
Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Exclusive Interview Series: Matt Hotson
Today we are celebrating the debut of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1 from BOOM! Studios, and we had the pleasure of speaking with co-writer Matt Hotson. Matt discussed crafting this special series with co-writer Amy Jo Johnson and artist Nico Leon, his memories of Power Rangers, and we did a deep dive into our mutual entrance into the world of comics with TMNT Adventures.
Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Exclusive Interview Series: Amy Jo Johnson
by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor ComicsOnline is back with more installments in our Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Exclusive Interview Series! Our latest interview features Amy Jo Johnson, best known as Kimberly Hart from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! Amy Jo discussed…
Advance Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1
Power Rangers takes the WHAT IF… approach for a unique exploration of the original team in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return, a special 4-issue series from BOOM! Studios.
What if the original team from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers never disbanded? Not only is this a different take on the Power Rangers story as we know it, but is brought to us from the mind of the original Pink Ranger – Amy Jo Johnson! The former Power Ranger teams up with co-writer Matt Hotson (Titans), Artist Nico Leon (Ms. Marvel), Colorist Francesco Segala (All-New Firefly), Colorist Gloria Martinelli (All-New Firefly), and Letterer Ed Dukeshire (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) to form a new creative team with attitude!
Comic Book Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116
A showdown years in the making finally arrives. That’s right: it’s Lord Drakkon versus the Ranger Slayer in one of the biggest issues of the “Darkest Hour” event. Get your popcorn ready, because BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116 has arrived.
Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Exclusive Interview Series: Nakia Burrise
ComicsOnline is back with more installments in our Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Exclusive Interview Series! Our latest interview features Nakia Burrise, best known as Tanya the Yellow Ranger from Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, and TURBO: A Power Rangers…