#NotesForTracy 01/03/25
Ugga Dugga & Not Jeff discover George and the Anxiety Box! Another Critter Sighting from Amazing Alaska!
#NotesForTracy 01/01/25
George and the Anxiety Box! Another Critter Sighting from Amazing Alaska!
#NotesForTracy 12/30/24
The Critters return from Winter Break with George Critter in the Anxiety Box! Plus a Critter Sighting in Santa’s House in the North Pole (for real!)
#NotesForTracy 08/16/24
Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute! Superheroes picking up litter. The readers learn something Spike wish he knew before he ate that pizza!
#NotesForTracy 08/21/23
Cassette comes from the French “little box,” actually. #NotesForTracy 08/21/23
#NotesForTracy 08/14/23
I know virtual assistants and chat bots are different, but it’s still funny/scary to me. #NotesForTracy 08/14/23