iPad App Review: Avengers Origins: Assemble!

by Mike Favila, Reviewer
Xbox 360 Game Review: Rock Band 3
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Rock Band 3 is available now at Amazon in the following packages:
Xbox 360, Xbox 360 keyboard bundle
PS3, PS3 keyboard bundle
Wii, Wii keyboard bundle
Nintendo DS Game Review: What’s Cooking? With Jamie Oliver
Here is some information about me that you absolutely do not need to know. I hate cooking. Really, I find little need for it in my life, as going through the effort of creating a good meal is expensive, time consuming and oftentimes more complicated than it needs to be, especially when I’m hungry and am only cooking for myself, which is pretty much every time I go near a kitchen, because I live a lonely life governed largely by the primal commands of my body.
Seriously, I have a point here somewhere.
Game Review: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (PS3)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is the best Spider-Man game ever.
The acrobatics, the story, the guest stars, the villains, the art, the multiple paths and endings… Wait! Before we really begin the love fest that is the recount of my perception of this game, let’s pretend for a moment that this is a regular review you might find somewhere other than ComicsOnline, and nickpick it mercilessly, okay? Here goes…
Xbox 360 Game Review: Too Human
Too Human is an Xbox 360 exclusive action role playing game from silicon knights, the people who brought you the underrated Eternal Darkness for the Nintendo Gamecube. It is the first game in a trilogy that mixes Norse mythology and sci-fi technology. You play as Baldur, the son of Odin, in a never-ending war against the machines that are trying to exterminate the human race. The story unfolds thorough a series cut scenes with heavy exposition, but manages to stay interesting despite it’s often heavy handedness.
Gift Guides 2008: Video Games
So, you’re looking for a gift come Black Friday, and you don’t know what to get your gamer, and you forgot to ask them what they wanted. Or, alternatively, you are a gamer who doesn’t know what he or she wants… Here’s a list of high profile releases to help you make your decision on what to buy this holiday shopping season for your geeky gamer…
PS3/XBox 360
PS2 Game Review: Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
In Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World there are new “dragon missions” that are based on different moments from the anime. Not all the missions are fighting related, there are challenge missions like running to the end of Snake Way under a time limit and exploring an area looking for “gate” or check points, which is also under a time limit. Of course, there are battle based missions, and they are difficult. It doesn’t really matter what level you’re playing at, this game is a challenge and it may take you several tries to complete a mission. Now, this is the first time I’ve played a DBZ game for the PS2, so I found the controls really confusing and I didn’t like the lack of basic training. You get to use “ESS” or “Exciting Skill System”. Those skills can be used to customize a character by adding them to their skill tray. Unlike the previous DBZ games, you can purchase upgrades for the skills.
Nintendo DS Game Review: Dragon Ball Origins
The Dragon Ball franchise has a deep and lasting following going all the way back to 1988 with Dragon Ball: Daimaō Fukkatsu. Dragon Ball: Origins takes you back to the beginning of the saga. You start out as a young Goku training by your self. Out on a training hike, you see your first car and believing it is a Monster you blow it up. A girl comes out and shoots you a few times, but because of your shin is like iron it has no effect. This girl is none other than Bulma and this is your first meeting. Goku takes Bulma home and that is were Bulma discovers that Goku has the Four Star Dragon Ball and she tries to get him to give it up because she on a quest to find all seven of them to be able to make a wish. There is no way Goku would give it up, so they decide to work together to find them and the joint quest and lifelong friendship begins.
Nintendo DS Game Review: Bleach The Blade of Fate
In Bleach: The Blade of Fate you have to first go though the basic Story Mode, which is set during the first time in the Soul Society. Playing as Ichigo you go through levels, fight the people in your way, and then save Rukia, which can be relatively hard if you don’t read the cut scenes . When you’ve completed that, things get fun, and easier. New characters are unlocked for Arcade mode Versus mode. You also unlock some of the Extras and the rest of the story modes. There are a total of 23 story modes, each based on a different character and the last one is the really long conclusion of Episode 1. I quite enjoy the multiple Story modes you unlock and the character available.