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a song of ice and fire

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×10

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large Okay hold on to your hats, I’m going to be talking a lot of spoilers and speculation in this review. For the show and for the books. I felt like a second warning was necessary. I’ll…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×08

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large This is what I’ve been waiting for this entire season. What an incredible episode that was! It was an episode that hit all the right beats, had great acting, full character arcs, pushes forward the greater…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×07

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large In the past, I’ve tried to defend some of Game of Thrones‘ more questionable elements. The over abundance of naked women and sexualized moments that don’t need to be. The ridiculous choices to omit plot points from…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×06

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large I’m not sure what to say. This episode was deeply controversial for a variety of reasons, and it’s been discussed by most major news places by now. There are a lot of reviews, a lot of…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×05

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large There are spoilers for the show and some of the books. You have been warned. I just have to note that when Stannis muttered a grammatical error fix to himself, I actually laughed out loud. He is…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×04

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-At-Large Sometimes so much happens on an episode of this show that it’s hard to find the right way to approach it. There’s a lot going on, so let’s get to it. Previously on Game of Thrones,…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×03

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large Ohhhh boy. So in a few ways they’ve drastically moved away from the books, but they warned everyone they were going to have to. I was curious where they were headed with Sansa, since in the…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×02

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large Dorne! Dorne! Braavos! Braavos! Excuse me while I do a dance of fangirl glee right now. Before this season of Game of Thrones began, they told us point blank that the show will be changing things from…

TV Recap: Game of Thrones 5×01

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large Was that anti-climatic for anyone else? It wasn’t a bad episode, it was more of an “okay here’s where everyone was at the end of last season, remember?” That’s fine for a premiere, although I remember last…

TV Review: Game of Thrones 3×10 “Mhysa”

Chelsea and Jachelle discuss the last episode of season three of Game of Thrones. Was it a satisfying conclusion? Can we really survive another year of waiting? This season went by so fast, and the only thing we can look forward to is waiting for the DVD set to come out. Or, you know, actually read the books.

TV Review: Game of Thrones 3×9 “The Rains of Castamere”

Chelsea and Jachelle see the notorious episode of Game of Thrones featuring the Red Wedding. It is a topic that book fans have been waiting for since 2000, and TV fans were not prepared at all. Look on the internet for the various funny reaction posts to this episode. It’s worth it. But for now join the heartbroken writing duo as they accept nothing will be happy again.

TV Review: Game of Thrones “Second Sons”

Chelsea and Jachelle talk in detail about their favorite and least favorite parts of Game of Thrones episode “Second Sons.” It’s time for a royal wedding, only this one is between Sansa and Tyrion. Neither of them want to be there, but somehow it becomes a hilariously uncomfortable scene. There’s blood leeches (ew), inappropriate bath scenes, and Sam the Slayer. Countdown to the end: two more episodes.

TV Editorial: Chelsea’s Top Ten Game of Thrones Characters

Join Chelsea Doyle as she looks over the popular HBO show Game of Thrones and picks her top ten favorite characters. Who is going to be on the list? It could be one of your favorites. Game of Thrones is on HBO Sunday nights at 9 PM EST, and there are only two episodes left of season three. A general warning that there will be spoilers through season three of Game of Thrones and a few references to the books in this article. Check out our Facebook page and tell us your favorite character. Winter is coming, and you know nothing, Jon Snow!

TV Review: Game of Thrones 3×5 “Kissed By Fire”

Chelsea and Jachelle discuss the new episode of Game of Thrones "Kissed by Fire." How many shapely naked people from behind do we see this episode? The answer is five, and they're mostly not gratuitous. Shocker. Game of Thrones is on HBO Sunday nights at 9 PM EST.

TV Review: Game of Thrones 3×2 “Dark Wings, Dark Words”

In this episode of Game of Thrones, the show updates us on all of the characters it couldn’t get to in the first one. We see the current status of Arya, Bran, Rickon, Jaime, Brienne, and Theon. While it might not have been action packed, it was important to give everyone a base line of where the characters are and what to expect from here. Game of Thrones is on HBO Sunday nights at 9 PM EST.

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