
– Celebrating 25 Years of Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Terrence St John

Comic Review: Batman #13 and Uncanny Avengers #1

by Terrence St John, Editor-at-Large So I’m a long time comic fan. A year ago I had to drop the habit of hitting my comic shop and picking up my favorite books. I had moved south and had not yet…

MegaCon 2011: DC Universe

Dan Didio, Geoff Johns, Tony Bedard, Steve Scott, Rob Hunter and Ethan Van Sciver were all present to discuss the DC Universe at MegaCon.

Geoff Johns said he’d be writing a new Aquaman series but said he could not say more then that. Didio asked fans not to ask what happens after Flashpoint because it had stopped a previous panel. Via phone Peter J Tomasi said that fans would be very happy with the ending of Brightest Day.

We were told that we would learn who had been chosen as the White Lantern’s champion in the coming week. They thanked fans for having stuck through the series and again siad the payoff will be in the conclusion. They were glad to have brought back Maxwell Lord in Justice League: Generation Lost. Didio said theres so much potential with him as a character.

MegaCon 2011: Aquaman Book to be written by Geoff Johns

Geoff Johns announced at Megacon that he will be writing a new Aquaman series later this year following the events of Brightest Day.

What does this mean for the other heroes who have recently been disintegrated by the White Lantern? Hawkman and Hawkgirl fans can only hope that good news is around the corner. Can Geoff Johns do for Aquaman what he has done for Green Lantern and The Flash? Only time will tell, but Aquaman may be Johns’ greatest challenge yet. It has not been firmly established whether this will be a ongoing or a limited series.

Is it possible that Aquaman will be the chosen champion of the White Lantern?

NYCC 2010: Avengers Assemble! Panel

The Avengers Assemble panel was moderated by Arune Sighn and the guests panelists were Brian Michael Bendis, Bill Rosemann, Christos Gage, Johnathan Hickman, Jim McCann, Sean McKeever, Paul Tobin, and Christos Gage and Tom Brevoort.

They let us know that Red Hulk will be showing up in issue Avengers #7. They premiered a video of the Old Tony Stark in the current storyline speaking about new power. “The Red Hulk changes everything”.

The timeline from Avengers #5 gives real hints and clues for the years to come in the Avengers titles.

NYCC 2010: DC Universe Online

Attendees to the NYCC: DC Universe Online panel were treated to a new trailer expanding upon the one released for San Diego Comic-Con. In this one we see ordinary humans being transformed by the Exobytes Lex Luthor has brought back with him from the Braniac ruled future that was seen in the original trailer.

This was used as a segue into showing the character creation system. Like other MMOs you will choose gender, build, look, costume and power sets but along the way you'll also pick an Inspiration. Some of the visable Inspirations were Circe, Catwoman, Deathstroke, Joker, Lex Luthor, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Each has a personality description and other aspects about the type of figure they are.

NYCC 2010: Marvel: Welcome to The X-Men Panel

Details of this panel were collected by Correspondent Mike Devaney and posted by T.

Marvel rolled out a big group of editors and writers to discuss the upcoming developments in the X-books

The event was MC’d by Marvel Sales Manager Arune Singh

On hand were:
Jeannie Schaefer; Editor of Wolverine
Axel Alonso;  Editor
C.B Cebulski; Marvel’s Talent Manager
Peter David; Writer
Marjorie Liu; Writer
Rick Remender; Writer
Kieron Gillen; Writer
Jason Aaron; Writer
Mike Carey; Writer

Kieron Gillen will be joining Matt Fraction on Uncanny X-Men 531.

There will be crossover between 3 annuals: Uncanny X-Men, Steve Rogers and Namor.

Wolverine & Jubilee will be getting a Limited Series in January and we should expect Jubilee to be “A little changed” after the current Vampire arc concludes.

NYCC 2010: Spotlight On Geoff Johns Panel

The following Information has been provided to T by correspondent Mike Devaney.

Geoff spoke a lot about all things DC including the recent news that Zack Snyder would be directing the new Superman film. He was asked about John Stewart and he said he'll be featured in a Big Green Lantern crossover coming soon. He said Aquaman would be bad ass after the events of Brightest Day. Wasn't able to share more about that.

A fan asked who his favorite B-List character was and he stated he really enjoys Aquaman and wants him to be A-List.He is very excited about the Wonder Woman TV series being developed by David E. Kelly. Another Fan wanted to know if the white light will affect Superman or other previously dead characters and he said the affect was only for the moment shown in Blackest Night.

NYCC 2010: Exclusive Green Lantern Badge from WB and DC

Fans Can Unlock the Badge by Checking in on Foursquare at
New York Comic Con and Obtain a Green Lantern Ring by
Showing Badge at the DC Comics Booth #2243
Twitter Pitch: @foursquare users at #NYCC, take flight! Exclusive #GreenLantern badge from WB and DC:

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