
– Celebrating 25 Years of Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Kevin Gaussoin

Interview: Edwin Hodge – Red Dawn (2012)

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief ComicsOnline recently had the honor and pleasure of an exclusive conversation with one of the co-stars from Red Dawn, Edwin Hodge. Our fans will remember Edwin from his roles in Heroes, Angel, Invasion… Or maybe from…

Movie Review: Life of Pi

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief Like any story, Life of Pi can be described in many ways, from multiple points of view. And even in so doing, my audience might, no, must receive my description, my review, in a unique way…

Interview: Tim Jo – “Reggie Jackson” on ABC’s The Neighbors

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief Not only did we run into Tim Jo at Comic-Con 2012 as shown in the photo above, but we had the privilege of getting an in-depth voice interview with him as well. Tim Jo plays teenaged…

ComicsOnline Podcast S13E08 – Firefly 10th Anniversary

SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. Season Thirteen. Episode Eight. Firefly 10th Anniversary. This episode, we bring you the audio from the Firefly 10th Anniversary Press Panel. Instead of either our usual podcast style or our interview style,…

Blu-ray Review: Brave (Five-Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition)

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief Disney has a long legacy of producing the best princess-anchored animated epic tales the world has ever known. Now that Disney owns Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm, have they taken on too much and spread too wide…

ComicsOnline Podcast S13E07: BSG Interviews

DRADIS CONTACT!  This is ComicsOnline Actual. Season Thirteen. Episode Seven. BSG Interviews. This episode, Mary Anne Butler intercepts Apollo and Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica: Jamie Bamber and Katee Sackhoff.         To learn more about Katee Sackhoff and…

ComicsOnline Podcast S13E06 – Faire Leia

SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. Season Thirteen. Episode Six. Faire Leia. Recorded November 1, 2012. This episode Kevin and Dune are joined by Bill and Mary Anne. Topics include gender-bent Leia, renaissance faires, Disney’s purchase of Star…

ComicsOnline Podcast S13E05 – EJ Scott Interview

SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. Season Thirteen. Episode Five. EJ Scott Interview. Recorded October 23, 2012. This Episode, Kevin,  Dune, and Connie are joined by notorious fang-banger, blindfolded marathoner, and champion of eyesight EJ Scott. Topics include…

ComicsOnline Podcast S13E04 – Nice Girls Gone Wild

SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonThirteen. EpisodeFour. Nice Girls Gone Wild. Recorded October 16, 2012. This episode, Kevin, Dune, Connie, Bill, and Jayden are joined by Mel and Liz from Nice Girls TV.  Topics include fan sites,…

Blu-ray Review: Mad Men Season Five

 by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief When we last saw the staff of Sterling Draper Cooper Price, Don (Jon Hamm – Sucker Punch, Robot Chicken) and Betty (January Jones – X-Men: First Class, Love Actually) had split and moved on to separate…

SDCC 2012: The Walking Dead Interviews

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief THE WALKING DEAD RETURNS TO AMC TV SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 9/8C The lovely folks at AMC were once again kind enough to invite ComicsOnline to interview the cast of The Walking Dead, this time at…

ComicsOnline Podcast S13E02 – Dune and Gio Talk Stuff

SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonThirteen. EpisodeTwo. Dune and Gio Talk Stuff. Recorded October 2, 2012. This Episode, Kevin and Dune are joined by Kroze, Giovanni, Connie, and Alex. Topics include Looper, TV shows, podcasts, tattoos, and…

SDCC 2012: Grimm Interviews – Greenwalt, Barba, Kouf

Thank Grimm it’s Friday!by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief Grimm returns tonight on its new night! To get you ready, ComicsOnline’s Kevin Gaussoin interviews three of the Executive Producers from NBC’s Grimm: Writers David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf, and Director Norberto Barba….

Movie Review: Looper

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief Time travel is a tricky thing. It behaves differently in different universes, so when a story that takes place in a new one pops up, we as the nerds of geek pop culture are eager to…

ComicsOnline Podcast S12E14 – Avengers Wing Night

*WARNING: EXPLICIT AUDIO CONTENT* SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. Season Twelve. Episode ThirteenSlashFourteen. Avengers Wing Night. Recorded June 3rd, 2012. This Episode, Kevin and Dune return to normal podcasting! Topics include The Avengers Movie and everything geek…