Holiday Gift Guide 2012: Top Geek Girl Gifts
by Iris Mori, Reporter Sure. You know the online sites that you want her to shop at for you, but have you planned for the perfect geek gift for her? Has she not been dropping hints, and expects you to…
Geek Gift Guide 2011: The Ultimate Geek Girl Gift Guide
Let’s face it, Guys. We’re hard to shop for in normal situations. But for the holidays? When you’re busy playing Call of Duty, or following your favorite team on Sunday? The last thing you have time for is to go to the mall and hunt for parking, then actually LOOK for something that she doesn’t already own. Fear not, here’s a down and dirty list, complete with links, of tried and true (read: I did all the research for you) gifts for the Geek Girl in your life, so that you can avoid the mall altogether. Read on…
For your Kawaii Geek Girl: Black Cat Crocheted Headphones
APE 2011: A Day at Alternative Press Expo

WonderCon 2011: ThunderCats Panel: Special Video Presentation and Cast/Producer Q&A
Here are some of the highlights of the ThunderCats panel at WonderCon 2011, featuring producers Michael Jelenic and Ethan Spaulding, original Lion-O voice actor (Claudius in the new version) Larry Kenney, and art director Dan Norton:
WonderCon 2011: Focus Features: HANNA
Here are some of the highlights of the Hanna movie panel at WonderCon 2011, followed by the transcripts of the press-only roundtable interview session that followed, with actress Saoirse Ronan and director Joe Wright.
CC2010: Vampire Weekend should’ve named themselves Vampire Groupies.
I reported yesterday that I would attempt the train today. I did, and it was way cheaper, and easier, than any parking shenanigans that I’ve ever previously encountered at Con. It's just too bad that it doesn't run all night; no one would need Designated Drivers if it did.
CC2010: Adventures in Pancake Fiction Wonderland
I woke up today at the butt-crack of dawn in the Quest to Find Parking. No one else was up at the butt-crack of dawn, except maybe the parking attendants, so I found an optimal spot closest to the very edge of the parking lot. Parked next to me was a white van, and a seagull looking very much like I caught it in the act. I started reacting the way I usually do when I see a seagull (Saying in an annoyingly nasal voice, “Mine? Mine? Mine?”), then realized I had absolutely nothing better to do. I had to register, but registration didn’t open until 8:30.
I checked the time on my phone. 10 minutes past the butt-crack.
CC2010: My first impressions.
In quite a few ways, Comic-Con is getting too big for its venue. But in others, it’s exactly the same—the stink of sweat as the dude with the man-boobs in front of you waits for his turn to by the same exclusive you want, the way your senses overload as that overbearing perfume wafts from the twentieth slave Leia that passes by.
But with preview night as exclusive as ever (not everyone who had a four day pass could get in), if not more, the chaos was much the same. No clear lines of demarcation between anything other than what kind of pass you needed to register for, the anarchy in the vendor room. The parking was horrific, as always.
Manga Review: Maoh: Juvenile Remix, Volume One
Ando convinced himself when he was younger that he had the gift of psychic ventriloquism. That is, he'd think something and someone walking by would repeat what was in his head. Of course, when he told his friends in school, it turned out badly, so now as a junior in high school he's perfectly content to just go with the flow, to do and say everything that will allow him to blend in.
But Maoh: Juvenile Remix, Volume One is a shonen manga, and it never works out that way.