by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief
It feels good to have the gang back together! Green Lantern Corps continues to explore the cosmic adventures of the willpower-wielding heroes in green, and this latest chapter brings more fan-favorite characters into the mix. Green Lantern Corps #2 is about to add some interesting new dynamics for our Emerald Warriors, and now you can grab a copy at your local comic store!

Official Synopsis:
The Lanterns return to Thanagar, decimated in the aftermath of the Civil Corps! But this time John Stewart and company are fighting with Hawkwoman by their side. Meanwhile, the mystery of the Fractal Lanterns deepens, as Atrocitus seeks revenge for the theft of his powers! So why is the answer seemingly within the remains of the shattered Thanagar?!
Creative Team:
Writers: Morgan Hampton & Jeremy Adams
Pencils: Fernando Pasarin
Inks: Oclair Albert
Colors: Arif Prianto
Letters: Dave Sharpe
The adventures of the Green Lantern Corps continue with some new sensational inclusions that will make fans of both Justice League: The Animated Series and Green Lantern: The Animated Series extremely happy. With the revelation that former ring-slingers from other corps can now wield the emerald power, it’s now Razer’s turn in the spotlight. John Stewart leads Kilowog, Razer, and Shayera on a mission to the Ruins of Thanagar, only to be confronted with more familiar faces… What exactly are the former Red Lanterns doing here, and how does this connect back to the ongoing threat of the Fractal Lanterns, Sorrow, and Starbreaker?
It’s amazing to see how many of the elements from the DC Animated Universe can be woven into the tapestry of the comic book world in such an organic way. The slow build of reintroducing readers to these characters from the shows was done strategically, and it is thrilling to see how they all interact within the pages of Green Lantern Corps. Particular highlights were between John and Shayera, Kilowog and Razer, and the appearance of the Red Lanterns (along with their major update). The creative team of Green Lantern Corps is leveraging the various Lanterns and their supporting cast in thrilling and unexpected ways.
ComicsOnline gives Green Lantern Corps #2 – 4.5 out of 5 connections to the DC Animated Universe.
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