by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief
The New Gods’ Fourth World pocket-yet-somehow-macro universe and its godlike denizens were created by the Highfather of comics, Jack Kirby, back in 1971. Kirby never intended The New Gods to be an ongoing series, but it was such a hit, DC kept it going on and off for decades. Its characters have played a big part all over DC properties since then, from the main comics, to Super Friends, to DC Animated features, to the live action Justice League movie. Don’t worry, this is not going to be another Dawn of Justice. For that matter, it’s not going to be another Eternals either.
This week, Ram V is back with a fresh take on one of DC Comics’ most challenging facets: The New Gods.
Cue the Kirby Crackle!

Official Description:
RAM V AND EVAN CAGLE RESHAPE THE MYTHOLOGY OF THE DCU! An old god has died, and the reverberations of his passing are felt across the universe, setting forth the soldiers of an intergalactic army and awakening the latent powers of a mysterious child on Earth. But this has all been foreseen–prophesized by the Source and fed as enigmatic images to its agent, Metron. Now, as Metron brings word of this cosmos-shattering prediction to the residents of New Genesis and Apokolips, both worlds are thrown into chaos and conflict. On Earth, Scott Free and Barda find themselves unaware of this incoming chaos while consumed with their most daunting task yet: parenthood. Ram V and Evan Cagle bring the Fourth World to a whole new generation in this epic of cosmic proportions. An old god has died…the New Gods are born!

Ram V has already shown us with works like Rare Flavours and Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! that he can take characters of legend and not only treat them with reverence, but also throw in some new unexpected twists.
I first met Metron in the classic The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans back in 1983. Back then, Chris Claremont and Walt Simonson showed us the enormity and beyond godly power of the Source Wall. I’d like to think that Ram V is paying homage to that amazing crossover by opening this new series with Metron visiting the Source Wall once again.

This time, Metron, Doom-Crow to Izaya the Highfather, is given a prophesy by the Source Wall: A child shall awaken on earth a New God. Is it a god of doom or a savior? Highfather has a choice to make.
We’re gonna keep the rest of this first issue spoiler-free, but let’s just say that after this issue’s few short scenes with Metron, Highfather, Orion, and Mister Miracle, I’m already ready for the next 12 issues of this maxi-series. Will the new New God be a miraculous boon or will he usher in apocalypse from the dark side? I am very excited to see our heroes save a kid from what is supposedly his fate, but it’s going to take a Miracle. And a Big Barda.
Anyone taking on the creations of Jack Kirby has big shoes to fill, but thankfully we can see from the start that The New Gods are in good hands with master legend-enhancer Ram V, and with Evan Cagle an artist who doesn’t directly ape The King, but does make sure that appropriate homage is paid to the looks of the characters, environs, and of course the crackling energy.
ComicsOnline gives The New Gods #1 (2024) 4 out of 5 fallible deities.
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