Attack of the Seven Second Attention Span! Or Old Man Critter gets wordy. Maybe both? Your call.
Attention Spans Shrinking Due to…Look! A Squirrel!
Some studies say attention spans are shrinking from twelve to eight seconds. There is an actual marketing rule that recommends getting your point across in seven seconds! Screen time is blamed, of course, but that’s no surprise. And not likely to change. Expectations on attention spans is one reason why I would not make a good teacher. My family told stories in the oral tradition fashion of the days of yore. I struggle not to be too long-winded when getting my point across. Still, there are those stories that would not hurt from a little embellishing!
What if all of the stories in our lives had to be boiled down to seven seconds, or be ignored?
I had another point to make but got distracted by my phone.
First Draft

I posted the ink and pencil color first draft version on March 16, 2022. I think the four-panel pacing reads better, but I probably overuse the thoughtful pause.