by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
The Glowing Man continues his trek across the wastelands of America in Geiger #3 from Ghost Machine and Image Comics!
For those of you just joining us, creators Geoff Johns & Gary Frank, Colorist Brad Anderson, and Letterer Rob Leigh return to the world of Geiger in this exciting new ongoing series. 25 years from now, the world has been turned into a radioactive wasteland. Resources are scarce, and those in control take what they want from the weak. Tariq Geiger now walks through the wasteland looking for purpose as “The Glowing Man”, using his nuclear abilities to balance the scales. Accompanied by his mutated two-headed wolf named Barney and his new associate Nate the Nuclear Knight, they will head out into the world to find others like Geiger…

The latest chapter opens with a flashback to 1972, taking readers to South Vietnam as we get acquainted with another member of “The Unnamed”: Junkyard Joe! As Joe’s memory flashes, we learn of a new mysterious “mission” from the immortal known as Redcoat: Go get Geiger, Joe…and be bloody quick about it!”. Meanwhile, Geiger and his new partner Knight as they explore a library and discuss the state of civilization after the end of the world. You never know what lurks in a library, but it might be airports that are more concerning to our heroes as they attempt to get to Lewistown. The Organ People make their move, and that’s when things get…interesting. After a deadly attack, Geiger unleashes his rage and we learn more about the importance of books to the Glowing Man through a powerful monologue. Nate realizes the error that he’s made, and attempts to right the wrong, but his choice inadvertently leads to the capture of Barney by unknown forces…
“What Are Books Good For Anyway?” was a really impressive chapter in the Geiger story. Although it feels like a self-contained chapter, we learn a lot about Tariq’s drivers in the most-apocalyptic world. How can you continue after the world ends? It’s the little things… The mutilated introduction of the Organ People adds to the growing threats of the wasteland, and it sure seems like Geiger and Nate have their work cut out for them. I love how “lived-in” this world feels, as it has a similar quality to Star Wars. You can see the age of the buildings, the library, the walls, etc., and the attention to detail adds a layer of intrigue to the book.
Now, we are only three issues in, but I just want to go on record that Barney better be ok. No mutated wolfs should be harmed in the making of this book Geoff and Gary… Just sayin.
ComicsOnline gives Geiger #3 – 4 out of 5 library adventures.
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