by Christal Kennedy, Reporter
Official Description:
When a newly rejuvenated Agatha Harkness learns of the Scarlet Witch’s recent absorption of Chthon, she decides to educate her former student on the dangers of such an endeavor. But Wanda is not the meek pupil she once was – and Agatha’s intentions are not so straightforward. This epic clash between Marvel’s most powerful witches sets off a chain reaction that will affect the course of Marvel’s summer!
Creative Team:
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artists: Carlos Nieto
Colorists: Triona Farrell
Lettering: Cory Petit

Scarlet Witch has absorbed the Darkhold & is holding the demon Chthon prisoner inside her soul! We have to wonder if she is strong enough to hold him at bay and we are not the only ones. Rivals are turning up trying to defeat her and take the power for their own. An unexpected visit from her former teacher leaves us wondering what Agatha’s ulterior motives are and will she be her greatest ally or greatest rival?
I love the artwork in this issue! From Scarlet Witch’s vivid reds to Agatha’s signature purples, the colors and art lend themselves to the chaotic battle between our two favorite witches. Steve Orlando has done such a fantastic job with balancing Scarlet Witch’s character, expertly honoring her history and the more recent MCU-style developments. If you haven’t already checked out his current Scarlet Witch series, go pick those up!
“CONTEST OF CHAOS” PRELUDE! This story is the prelude to 8 thrilling, interconnected annuals coming out starting in August from Marvel Comics. The story continues in Spider-Man Annual (Vol 4) #1, check it out to see what Agatha has conjured up for our heroes
ComicsOnline gives Scarlet Witch Annual (2023) #1 – 5 out of 5 Darkholds!
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