by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
It’s time to get back to action with Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters for the newly released second season on Netflix! What lies ahead for our heroes in their sophomore season? Victor Cook (Executive Producer/Supervising Director), Chris “Doc” Wyatt (Executive Producer/Story Editor) and Kevin Burke (Executive Producer/Story Editor) share some exclusive details on what fans can expect to see with this next batch of episodes.
ComicsOnline: What is the latest challenge for our heroes as they enter the new season?
VICTOR: The Flex Fighters are now heroes gone rogue. Rook has caused many in Charter City to distrust his former corporate super heroes. Stretch, Omni-Mass and Wingspan go underground and have to adapt to working with Dr C and Blind Strike and their harsher, darker methods of fighting crime. New super-villains arrive to cause havoc as well as returning foes. The Tech Men come back with their own insidious agenda and more advanced weapons and mech. Stretch Monster/Rook’s evil plan grows darker. Our heroes’ personal lives continue to get complicated as well. Jake adjusts to finding out that the ninja mercenary guy called BlindStrike is not even a guy, but a hero and the girl he has been crushing on, Riya Dashti. Unfortunately for Riya, her past has her on a path that doesn’t leave much time for a normal high school life or crushes. Ricardo parents still don’t seem to have time to spend with him while Nathan and Erica’s growing relationship is challenged by both Gabe and a force they could not have imagined. The Flex Fighters struggle to save a city that doesn’t trust them, the action is more intense and the story progresses deeper and darker to a threat of sheer evil immensity. Season two is a roller coaster ride of fantastic action scenes and dramatic edge of your seat story twists and turns.

DOC: Their biggest challenge is having their world tuned upside down. Everyone they thought they could count on has turned on them. And people they thought of as enemies are now allies.

KEVIN: Yes, due to the discovery of some shocking truths at the end of Season 1, Season 2 gets much deeper in terms of characters and backgrounds. The Flex Fighters’ world has been turned completely upside down, and since we’re no longer living a lie in Charter City, we finally learn the real backgrounds of Riya, Dr. C, Rook, and even some of the previously secondary characters. We knew from the very start of the show that Season 1 would end with that twist, so in a way, all of Season 1 was the origin story of the Flex Fighters. Season 2 is really where the heart of the show begins, and asks the question of what it truly takes to be a hero. Is it about fame? About accolades? Or is it something much deeper and more important? And with the external pressures from Rook to hunt down the Flex Fighters, every moment they are in costume, they are putting targets on their backs. It’s a thrilling angle both from an action standpoint and from a character point of view.

ComicsOnline: Are there any special episodes planned (along the lines of your interactive event)?
VICTOR: Every episode of Season 2 will be special! I am proud of the work from our cast and crew and am looking forward to everyone watching! Art Director Joey Mason has hit it out of the park with his character designs of the new villains. The backgrounds by Kenny McGill and the design crew are dramatic and colorful. The weapons and vehicles designed by Ron Catiggay and our group of Prop designers for the Tech Men look menacing and hi-tech. This season’s deeper, darker story arc is cinematically staged by our talented team of Storyboard Artists and Directors. Season 2 also sounds epic, thanks to the amazing music by The Outfit and sound design by Boom Box. As for an another Interactive Episode, team Stretch is up for it if Netflix asks!
DOC: No plans for other out-of-season specials right now, but watch this space.
KEVIN: The interactive event was an amazing episode to write and design, but we love getting back to the traction of the regular structure of this show. Like Vic said, every episode is special, setting up a complex world and cascades into story after story. Even more so than Season 1, Season 2 is really epic, and each episode moves at 90 miles an hour. From top to bottom, we had one of the greatest teams in animation, and it shows on every frame.
ComicsOnline: Is there an underlying theme for this new season?
VICTOR: For me, it’s about following your passions. That is what drives many of us, most times in a good way, it can lead to life of positive achievments, for others it’s obsessive and in some cases take one down the wrong path. In season one, we learned a lot about Jake, Ricardo and Nathan, but in season two, we peel away the surface layers and get to know the three leads even better, we go deeper. We will find out what makes them tick, what drives them, their back stories, their tragic pasts and inner demons. Characters we thought we knew in season one, like Rook, Riya and Dr C are explored in detail in season two, they are equally driven and passionate about their goals, we’ll find out why they are so obsessive about their goals and what sparked their motivations. Even minor characters come to forefront as well and we go deep with them too.
DOC: Another big theme of the season is identity. Secret identities, public identities. Who we are to ourselves, who we are to other people.
KEVIN: Yes, if Season 1 was about innocence and enthusiasm, Season 2 is about pulling back the layers and becoming your true self, even if that’s a very difficult process. It’s about what you truly are passionate about, what truly matters to you. Jake and the boys grow up a lot in Season 2 as they try to maintain their idealism after they realize they had been lied to and manipulated. At its core, it’s very much a show about kids growing up and realizing that they have the power to direct their own lives, and that not all of the adults in their world can be trusted.
ComicsOnline: Any special guest voice actors for this new season?
VICTOR: We do! One of them has a special connection the show, one of the first season Hasbro execs, Michael Ross is also a talented actor and is the voice of Dr. Dreamscape in Episode 16. Another fun fact is that episode was written by Michael Vogel, who happened to be our Hasbro exec during the show’s development.
DOC: Walter Koenig, Star Trek’s Chekov, was in our first season of course, but he really gets a chance to shine in season 2. When we were recording season 1, he’d come into the booth to do a line or two, and he’d always say “hey, I can do more scenes, you know…” and we’d say, “Don’t worry, we got something coming…” We’d been keeping him in reserve for something big in season two, and he knocked it out of the park. It’s one of my favorite parts of the season.
KEVIN: We also have Tia Carrere as a very formidable new villain, plus some excellent turns from some minor characters from Season 1 who we’ve been building into more complex characters. There are plenty of twists and surprises in Season 2, but we don’t want to say too much and give anything away! You have to watch!
Special thanks to Victor, Doc, and Kevin for this interview.
Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters Season Two is now available on NETFLIX.
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