by Mike Lunsford, Editor
Artist Nicolas Otero has published a graphic novel titled Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah. It gives a new perspective on the life and times of one of rock & roll’s most influential singer/songwriters: Kurt Cobain. Otero’s beautifully rendered story showcases the highs and lows of the grunge icon through the eyes of Kurt’s imaginary childhood friend, Boddah.
The concept may seem strange, but those who are familiar with Cobain’s tragic ending will be familiar with the name. Kurt’s suicide note is addressed directly to Boddah. We see that his imaginary friend remains an important part of Kurt’s life beyond childhood. That relationship is the crux of Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah. Boddah is often the voice of reason for Kurt. We see them journey from dingy Seattle clubs to the international stage, as Nirvana becomes the biggest band in the world. We also the ups and downs of his relationship with Courtney Love, his battles with drug addiction, and the birth of his daughter, Frances Bean. We also see his life unravel as he eventually takes his own life, with Boddah along the way for the entire time.

The story and art of Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah convey Cobain’s life and music. It is angry, dark, twisted, but also beautiful at times, finding a heart and soul that connects it with the audience. As a child of the 80’s, Nirvana was an influential band for me. Seeing many of the events that I had seen on television now depicted as panels in a comic was familiar, yet new. Otero’s stylistic choices give those events an artistic perspective and brings a new life to them. For those conspiracy theorists out there, this story does not claim to unravel any secrets to the often disputed facts of Cobain’s death. In fact, it states up front that it is a work of fiction right. Otero’s style of art is both beautiful and chaotic; a perfect conduit through which to tell the story of Cobain’s meteoric rise and subsequent tragic fall.
Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah is a comic adaptation of the French novel Le Roman de Boddah by Heloïse Guay de Bellissen. The translation seems natural and would be completely unnoticeable, if one was not familiar with it’s original source material. The story gives Nirvana fans a nostalgic look back through a different lens and those unfamiliar with the details, a great way to see some of the highlights and lowlights of the enigmatic front man of one of history’s most influential bands. Even with knowing exactly how this story ends, you somehow hope it will change, you hope that history will re-write itself. When the end finally comes, Otero does an excellent job of giving it’s tragedy an even deeper level of sadness. It is both well drawn and well written, truly painting the picture that was Cobain’s tortured mind. Overall, a great read for the casual grunge rock fan or the fanatic alike. Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah will be released November 8th.
ComicsOnline gives Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah 5 Heart-Shaped Boxes of out 5.
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