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Blu-ray Review: Supergirl: The Complete First Season


by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s SUPERGIRL! Kara Zor-El has arrived on Earth, and her new adventures are now available as Supergirl: The Complete First Season hits home on Blu-ray! The Girl of Steel has taken the name of Kara Danvers and has moved to National City to find her own path in life. With some help from some new (and old) friends, Kara might just find a way to become the hero that she always believed that she could be. When alien and super-powered beings threaten our world, it is up to Supergirl to save the day!

Be warned, this review does include spoilers!


Episode Highlights:

“Pilot”: When Krypton exploded, baby Kal-El was sent off into space towards Earth. It turns out that he was not the only one to survive Krypton’s destruction, as Kara Zor-El was sent into space to look after her younger cousin. When her ship was knocked off course, Kara found herself trapped in the Phantom Zone. Her ship eventually escaped from its captivity, and landed on Earth, where she was found by her cousin, now known to the world as Superman. Twelve years later, Kara has relocated to National City and is working at CatCo Worldwide Media, a nationwide news provider run by Cat Grant (formerly from The Daily Planet). After Kara decides to share her secret with her friend Winn, she soon must fly into action to save her adopted sister (Alex Danvers) from certain doom. Kara’s rescue draws the attention from the media, and Cat officially gives her the name “Supergirl“.  We soon learn that there is more to Alex than meets the eye, and we find that she is actually an operative for the DEO (Department of Extra-Normal Operations). This government unit has been tasked with finding numerous alien fugitives that have been secretly hiding on Earth. Can the new Supergirl help to stop these alien threats before humanity is harmed? And what role does James “Don’t Call Me Jimmy” Olsen play in Kara’s development?

“Red Faced”: The Red Tornado is here! Scientist T.O. Morrow has created an android that could potentially help to fight off the impending alien onslaught, and the government wants Supergirl to help test it. When Supergirl easily defeats the bot, General Lane quickly dismisses Morrow from his duties. When the Red Tornado goes rogue, it is up to Supergirl to save the day. This episode also reveals more insight into the missing Jeremiah Danvers, and his connections to the DEO’s leader, Hank Henshaw. The search for the truth begins here!


“Human for a Day”: After her intense battle with the Red Tornado, Kara must attempt to cope with the temporary loss of her powers. When the DEO comes under attack from an alien known as Jemm (no, not like Jem and the Holograms) the truth about Hank Henshaw is revealed at last. Who is J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter, and what are his ties to Jeremiah Danvers? This episode featured one hell of a game changer, and is a must watch!

“Strange Visitor from Another Planet”: What is the difference between a Green Martian and a White Martian? Kara is about to find out the hard way, as the White Martians arrive on Earth! Viewers learn more about the tragic past of the Martian Manhunter, and how the White Martians destroyed his family and his home. With the life of a Senator at risk, Supergirl and J’onn team up to try and rescue the hostage of the White Martian. Will J’onn be able to subdue his anger and let justice prevail?

“World’s Finest”: Barry Allen, better known as The Flash, has arrived in National City! After accidentally traveling from a parallel universe to Kara’s, the Scarlet Speedster offers to assist Kara with stopping her villains in exchange for help getting home. An old school superhero team-up ensues, as Supergirland The Flash take on Livewire and Silver Banshee! This episode proved to be the best of the season, as the humor and writing were off the charts. World’s Finest is a shining example of the fun that COULD be had in the DC Cinematic Universe Films… if they actually allowed their characters to have fun in the movies. Did I mention they get ice cream in this episode? It is pretty amazing. 


“Better Angels”: The Kryptonian threat has been revealed, as Non unleashes the program known as Myriad upon humanity. With help from Maxwell Lord and a few other friends, Kara fights to instill hope in the citizens of National City. The final battle is at hand, and Non and Indigo face off against Supergirl and The Martian Manhunter. What will it take to save the world? Kara will push her powers to the limits in an attempt to stop her people from destroying her new home. Meanwhile, who is in the mysterious space ship that has crashed to Earth, and why does it look like Kara’s???



Season One of Supergirl features Melissa Benoist (Glee) as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, Mehcad Brooks (Desperate Housewives) as James Olsen, Chyler Leigh (That 80’s Show) as Alex Danvers, Jeremy Jordan (Smash) as Winn Schott Jr., David Harewood (Doctor Who) as Hank Henshaw/The Martian Manhunter, and Calista Flockhart (Ally McBeal) as Cat Grant. Benoist is everything that you would hope for in a Supergirl. She is charismatic, personable, humble, and definitely exudes the strength suitable for the Girl of Steel. Flockhart as Cat Grant was a home run from the casting department, as she not only embodies the character with ease but takes Cat to a new level of intensity. Leigh as Alex Danvers is the perfect “older sister” to Kara, and I loved watching her attempts to look out for her sibling, even if she is faster than a speeding bullet. The biggest surprise of the season came from Harewood, as Hank Henshaw went from a relatively uninteresting government lackey to actually being The Martian Manhunter in disguise! As soon as Harewood was given this development to play with, I felt that his character truly came to life in a spectacular manner. Aside from the main cast, the series also included Helen Slater (Supergirl: The Movie) as Eliza Danvers, and Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) as Jeremiah Danvers, Kara’s adoptive parents on Earth. This was a fantastic touch, and it was nice to see these two legacy actors included in the new show.


Special Features

  • 2015 Comic-Con Panel: Warner Bros. Television Presents a Night of DC Entertainment at Comic-Con 2015: Supergirl
    • The Man From Mars: Superman once described J’onn J’onzz as “the most powerful being on the face of the Earth.” This documentary will explore J’onn J’onzz’s current circumstances on Supergirl as the alien who swore an oath to a dying father to protect his daughters
  • A World Left Behind: Krypton: Kara Zor-El’s home planet of Krypton was destroyed in the opening minutes of the pilot. It was a spectacular, futuristic society filled with mystery and intrigue! This documentary will explore the history of this famous planet and its role and depiction in Supergirl.
  • Gag Reel
  • Deleted Scenes


It might have taken a few episodes to really find its footing, but Supergirl: The Complete First Season ended up being an extremely satisfying experience. I personally had trouble getting past the first few episodes when it originally aired, but I found it much easier (and more interesting) when given the opportunity to binge watch the show on Blu-ray. I really loved seeing Kara’s development throughout the season, and her attempts to differentiate herself from her cousin. I can’t express my joy in how they brought J’onn J’onzz to the small screen, and had him act as a mentor to Kara.  With the show heading over to The CW for Season Two, it looks as though Kara will get more chances to interact with the larger world of the DCTV Universe (or “Arrowverse” as some call it). I am definitely on board for watching the next season, and I would highly recommend that you binge this before the beginning of October. 

ComicsOnline gives Supergirl: The Complete First Season on Blu-ray 4 out of 5 superhero team-ups with ice cream.


Stay tuned to for more Supergirl reviews, interviews, and everything geek pop culture!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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