By Ben “Zombie” Bedgood and Mike Lunsford
Ladies and Gentlemen, Trekkies and Trekkettes, we here at Comics Online are going to be ringing in the 50th anniversary of Star Trek in every way we can! Leading up to First Contact Day on April 5th, 2016 we will be dropping tons of content and special episodes of the Comics Online Podcast that are exclusively about Star Trek!
What is First Contact Day? It marks the day in the Star Trek universe where human beings met their first alien race. It’s kind of like a holy day to us Trekkies. We are celebrating that day by bringing you a Special Edition Series of podcasts. These podcasts will have the Comics Online team talking about how Star Trek has influenced and affected their lives and interviews with people from all walks of life(a few celebrities too) talking about their love for this franchise.

In the 50 years since the first episode of Star Trek airing September 8th, 1966. This series has brought us 723 episodes across 7 series (6 spinoffs, one currently in development), 13 major movies (one due to release this year) and countless Comic book series, video games, novels, and fan made film productions. Don’t forget this either: modern day conventions and cosplay can be traced back to roots of the first Star Trek Convention in 1973!
Enjoy the next few weeks as we crank out a ton of Star Trek articles for your reading pleasure, even if you’re not a Trekkie! We will be doing pieces about our favorite Characters, episodes, movies and everything else. I personally will be doing a series of “Star Trek Alien Highlights” or “STAH” for short. These will be pieces where I will highlight different aspects of different races from the Star Trek Universe. For each of us here Star Trek has affected us differently and in turn we will be showing our love differently in our articles. I hope you all enjoy the next few weeks!
Live long and Prosper!
To make things easier for you, here are links to all of our content for First Contact Day! Keep Checking in as we add more on this joyous day!
STAH (Star Trek Alien Highlight) – The Klingon Language
STAH (Star Trek Alien Highlight) – The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
STAH (Star Trek Alien Highlight) – Q
STAH (Star Trek Alien Highlight) – The Borg
STAH (Star Trek Alien Highlight) – O’Brien Must Suffer
Of course, there’s our April Fool’s Day Joke about Voyager
and our Podcast Specials! Here’s Part 1