By Andy Bartsch, Reporter
In terms of categorizing video games, it’s hard to place Firewatch. Is it a first person shooter without the shooting? Is it a hiking simulator? Isn’t that what a treadmill is for? Either way, it’s an enjoyable ride.
In Firewatch, you play as Henry, a man who takes a Summer job as a fire lookout in the forests of Wyoming. It gives him a means to escape the problems he’s having with his sick wife, Julie (don’t worry, she’s staying with her family. Henry didn’t ditch her). While on duty, Henry becomes friends with his supervisor, Delilah via walkie talkie. As the days pass on, you begin to suspect it’s not as peaceful in the wildness as it looks.
The game starts off with a text based intro, giving the player some backstory on Henry and Julie’s relationship. During this intro, you are given a few choices as to how you react to certain situations, such as your first words to Julie, what kind of dog they get, etc. Intercut with this intro are a few (what I can only describe as) “teasers” as to how the game plays. The art style is very Pixar/CGI cartoon on Henry and the few creatures you encounter in the wilderness, but the backgrounds and environments are very beautiful and colorful. The screenshots look so good, they could be hung in an art museum.

The game’s selling point was the interaction between Henry and Delilah. The chemistry between these two characters and their banter kept the game together. Had these two not been such likable characters (despite some questionable choices they make) the game would’ve fallen apart.
Exploring the wilderness can be fun and exciting. However, it’s very easy to get lost and there are several moments when I wished I could’ve asked Delilah for information on my location, but the game usually doesn’t give you that option. Thankfully, you always have a map and a compass handy to help you find you way around the forest. For someone dumb like me who’s not used to maps and compasses and wilderness, it’s going to take some getting used to.
The game is relatively short; roughly about three or four hours, depending on if you have trouble finding your way around, but exploration is encouraged. While I really enjoyed the game and have already completed it twice, there’s a slight anti-climatic feeling once you finish. Maybe it’s the fact that the choices you make feel like they have very little impact in the overall game. Maybe I was expecting a little more from the ending. Regardless, the game feels like a well written visual novel, and I highly encourage giving this game a shot.
ComicsOnline gives Firewatch 3 1/2 museum quality images out 5.
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