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Wizard World Philadelphia 2015

Welcome to Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con 2015!
Welcome to Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con 2015!

by Demi Moumas, Reporter

Another year, another Wizard World Philadelphia! I am back to action at this con, with some awesome pictures. This went a little differently this year. Friday was mostly a preview day for me. I strolled through the vendor hall which again seemed bigger than last year. I swear I didn’t get to see everything despite walking through it everyday. I ended up buying a lot of Greg Horn posters the first day…broke before the con even properly started.

Greg Horn
Greg Horn

Saturday the main events reigned supreme. We were able to get into the Billie Piper and David Tennant panel. It was so cute and awesome and I swear I’m fangirling more as I remember, but not as much as this girl who couldn’t even speak even though she had a question to ask. It was kind of adorable that she was so star-struck she couldn’t even talk and had to have a volunteer read the letter she wrote to Billie and David. Even better when they kept encouraging her to talk and she kept squealing. I personally couldn’t get over the fact I was mere feet away from my favorite British actor and actress from Doctor Who. I mean come on it was the Doctor and Rose Freaking Tyler. And I swear they looked straight at me as I flopped around trying to get pictures. There was also talk about why Matt Smith‘s sonic screwdriver was bigger than David’s. Oh silly Mr. Tennant, you know we love you anyway.

Billie and David having a great time in Philly.
Billie and David having a great time in Philly.

Next up was my favorite actress on a cancelled show, Summer Glau from Firefly. She just had a baby four months ago and let me tell you – she looks fantastic! It’s so surreal to see one of my favorite actresses I knew about ten years ago having a kid now. We got to hear about how the Firefly cast still keeps in touch and how Nathan Fillion wanted Summer’s child to be named Nathan. I personally also got to tell her how the Rocky statue keeps getting moved and why. So I was super squealing, internally of course, of how I personally got to talk to her…in front of the audience, but hey who’s considering that? I’m not.

The always sweet Summer smiling!
The always sweet Summer smiling!

During the break it was back to the vendor hall to look for some awesome cosplay and more merchandise. Of course, I got numbers from a few of the artists. Who doesn’t like a cute girl with big boobs taking your picture? Insert self promotion here. But I also got to meet Minnie D’Moocha. She was a cosplayer who dressed up as the Evil Witch the first day, then Anastasia on the last. She was really good. Minnie looks so dark and evil when I first saw her and innocent the next time I almost didn’t realize who she was until she gave me her card again. I didn’t see any of the Storm Troopers or the Spartan brigades that I normally see at the con. Maybe they took a year off? There weren’t really that many cosplayers this year, kind of sad, but the show must go on!

Minnie! She was a lovely cosplayer! Check her instagram!
Minnie! Like day and night I swear – it was awesome! Check her instagram!

Oh did I mention they were tattooing people? No seriously – there were artist there tattooing people. They brought their certificates and everything and had a set up in the middle of the hall. I don’t know how good of an idea that was but it was interesting to see everyone getting a tattoo of their favorite show or game or comic. I hope they all turned out well!

First time I've seen tattooing outside of a tattooing convention.  Interesting...
First time I’ve seen tattooing outside of a tattooing convention. Interesting…

Everyone knows the new pre-Batman show on FOX called Gotham right? You should because the hot piece of man known as Ben McKenzie was in Philadelphia. He even shared a little tidbit that Philadelphia Comic Con was his first fan event he has been to! Philadelphians feel proud! We gave him a warm welcome. Out of all the guests, Ben smiled the most. It was kind of cool considering his character of Gordon doesn’t smile often on the show. Questions were posed about the next season of Gotham, but all Ben could tell us was the characters he would like to see develop, like the Riddler’s character. He and Robin Taylor, the guy who plays Penguin, are good friends and it seems will start prank war soon if what we were told was anything to go by. All in all, Ben was fun and even got appreciative of the Penguin cosplayer, who in my opinion nailed it – it was kind of creepy. A fan also posed the most difficult question of the day – Pat’s or Geno’s cheesesteaks. That was more difficult then who Ben’s favorite villain was. Let’s just say that question is still unanswered.


Seriously Pat's or Geno's - Philly needs an answer to this serious question!
Seriously Pat’s or Geno’s – Philly needs an answer to this serious question!

After our man who is part of the DC universe, we saw a sensational woman who brought the Marvel to marvelous. Hayley Atwell graces the stages in black, but she had red heels – maybe a nod to her character Peggy Carter? I adored her. There were questions on this season as well as the next season. Yes, Agent Carter was renewed for a new mission! Hayley also described how well she got along with James D’Arcy, who plays Edwin Jarvis. The writers brought a lot of their off-screen chemistry to the show. It’s fun hearing about how Hayley actually gets to sit in with the writers in order to keep Agent Carter in character and bring a few more things to the table – literally.

Hayley always looking good with a dash of red somewhere.
Hayley always looking good with a dash of red somewhere.

Despite being a Marvel girl, I will never claim anything else, this man made me love the new DC comics that are becoming TV shows. Stephen Amell came out with a the audience cheering. As everyone should know, Stephen plays Oliver Queen on the show Arrow, which just wrapped up its third season Wednesday.  Surprisingly there were not a lot of questions about Felicity, but there were a bunch for Diggle and Roy. Everyone wanted to know about Roy’s exit and Diggle reaction to what happened this season. Stephen said for the fourth season he thinks it going to be a tough road for Diggle to overcome what Oliver did in the last bit of this season. He also said that he was interested in seeing where season four takes Oliver because he can’t be the Arrow anymore, he’s not Al Sah-Him, and he’s still trying to find himself as Oliver. He also celebrated his mom, who beat cancer and brought her on stage for a bit. Let me tell you the crowd went crazy. And again…the Philadelphian folks posed the question Pat’s or Geno’s and again we were not given an answer. One day people…one day.

Thinking face...there were tough questions for Stephen during the panel.
Thinking face…there were tough questions for Stephen during the panel.

All in all, it was a wonderful con! I had a great time. There was a diverse amount of stars, even if they didn’t get big panels, I mean Adrian Paul was there! Highlander! Despite not a lot of people cosplaying you had some pretty good ones. There was an awesome Silent Bob that I swore was really Kevin Smith (and if it was, kudos bro!). The merchandise was top marks this year, I even met an artist I’ve been watching Deviantart for years! I didn’t even know she was local! More friends, I’m excited! Even some of the other artists and vendors, like the people selling at Greg Horn’s booth, remembered me. I consider my status being elevated now. I am remembered! And it was good considering the vendor hall was big and packed way more people and vendors and artists in there that before. I can’t wait for next year! Let’s take over the whole three blocks the convention center is on. IT WILL HAPPEN!


Last day, I caught these lovely ladies on my way out.
Last day, I caught these lovely ladies on my way out. Peace out, Sailor Scouts!


Greeting the day with a bit of Dragon Age!
Exiting the day with a bit of Dragon Age!


Check out all our Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con 2015 photos from on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more event coverage, upcoming Wizard World interviews, and everything geek pop culture!


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