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TV Review: Supernatural 9×01 – I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here

Supernatural [9x01]

by Demi Moumas, Reporter

Supernatural premiered with a round of drama. The new season brings about the aftermath of the season 8 finale. If you remember, which I’m sure most of you do…or have rewatched before the premiere, Metatron tricked Castiel and stole his grace. This was the last piece to this massive spell that he had to cause all the angels to fall. The Winchester, who just stopped Sam’s death trial to be a man of letters, look up to see the thousands of angels fall like some sort of burning meteor shower. The last episode did depict the burning of the wings very elegant, but it might have been a little painful to the fictional angels that most of us think are dicks. Makes me wonder about the small amount of nice angels we’ve seen like Joshua.

The episode starts with Sam and Dean in the car talking about the events of the last episode. We soon find out that Sam is in the hospital in a coma and stuck in his own head…again. . In Sam’s comatose mind, he is arguing with Dean and Bobby, who represent parts of himself. Dean, after being told the bad news about Sam, does something he only does when he is out of options. He prays. There has been maybe one other time he has done that back in season 5. First he tries to pray to Castiel, which is very heartfelt moment, but then when that doesn’t work. He prays to the rest of the angels if they can hear them all to help his brother. This I think is a beautiful portrayal of going back to the basics of Supernatural which is two brothers and the family business.

As Sam and Dean are having their own breakdowns, we find Castiel walking down the road in the middle of no where in Longmont, Colorado. Fine place to get dropped, now he has to make his way to the Winchesters all the way on the East Coast. Apparently he is still hooked up into the angel radio and can hear everyone call for help. Because of this, he has to dodge of the way of a truck and leads to the realization that he is human. The truck driver then gives Cas a lift. That is such a sweet gesture isn’t it? Repays the almost accident of making Cas a road pancake. At the gas station, we are shown more examples on how Castiel is human and meet another fallen angel.

Back with the Winchesters, Dean has an idea that maybe Crowley can help him. As he goes to get the man he is attacked by one of the angels who heard him. Unfortunately, they are not there to help him, they are there to find out where Castiel is, even if it means beating the information out of Dean. Luckily though, not all angels want to kill Castiel or beat the hell out of the boys. Enter Ezekiel, the one angel in this episode that can be called an ally. So now there is discord between the angels as well as between the Winchesters and the angels. Not only that, but despite the mythos of show, the angels are adapting pretty well in their human guises. Before I assumed angels that were similar to Castiel would be awkward as well. No one told the angels that though because they are blending in pretty damn well.

After being attack by the angels, Dean doesn’t trust Ezekiel. The angel, having passed out after the fight, wakes up in a ring of holy fire. We knew that Dean had trust issues, but I didn’t think it would go that far. I do understand though that Castiel at this point is the only angel he could trust right now. I mean after 8 seasons of being screwed over by angels, I guess I can understand. So Ezekiel explains that putting out a desperate open prayer like that, many angels are now converging on Dean’s location. But we also find out there are those who still believe in Castiel, Dean and their old duty. So Ezekiel gives his services to Dean. Not like that you perverts, he is willing to save Sam. I do have a question….which is Sam the one who always ends up in the hospital with some angel saving him? First it was when Castiel took the craziness from him now it will be Ezekiel. Oh what a wonderful world they live in where things repeat.

Castiel ends up being able to call Dean and finding out that Sam’s dying. Castiel also gives his approval of Ezekiel which Dean takes to heart and gives his trust to the guy. Now the problem is Castiel still wants to help the angels, even when they want to kill him. Dean tries to warn him to stay away, but Castiel doesn’t listen. Come on, lessons need to be learned. It true that some are not pissed like Ezekiel, but Castiel doesn’t have the people skills to figure that out. Listen to Dean’s big brother instincts! They have been right for the last couple of times. Anyway, the angel knocks Castiel unconscious and takes him on a little drive. During this drive we find out that she wants to become one with Castiel. Wait, I didn’t know angels did that! What she really wants to do is take over Castiel’s vessel because hers is deteriorating. In order to stop this, Castiel makes have a car accident. He at least knew enough of about humans to wear a seatbelt which saves his life. This should be a lesson to all you young ones out there! Never drive with a strange angel as your wing person. Now he’s hurt from the whiplash, but the answer went through the window. Unfortunately, the angel explains that they don’t want his help they want his head. Now human Castiel is more prone to anger than before and after the nameless angel pushed him, he ends up stabbing her.

Well here come the angels to get Dean and Sam. Dean’s quick thinking marks up the room in angel sigils and tells Ezekiel to save Sam. The beating on Dean started and some of the things that are said are worse than what the demons would say or do. Seriously, now it makes me wonder if we will see angels turning into demons this season.

In Sam’s head, the fake Bobby leads him to a cabin telling him that the answer will be inside. The fake Dean which represents Sam’s will to fight comes and tries to get Sam to fight for his own life and to try to care for it. The younger Winchester is having none of it though and inside the cabin he sees Death waiting for him. Now I know it’s my own opinion but why does Sam fight his family more than the things he is supposed to be fighting? Like Death for example. He is willing to die and leave Dean alone with the incident of the Fall because what? A fake Bobby told him? Man up Sam! You fought with your own father more than this and he was just trying to protect you.

Dean, being the ever brilliant survivor while getting his ass kicked, uses the banishment sigil on the two angels. My thought immediately was…why not do that before they put an axe through Sam’s hospital door. When they are gone, Dean goes inside and finds out that Ezekiel is weaker than he thought. There is one last chance though, a bad way in Dean’s eyes. If Ezekiel possesses Sam, he could potential heal Sam from the inside out. Dean at first says its Sam’s call, but then I suppose it can’t be any worse than when Sam was possessed by Lucifer or when Dean made a deal. He begs Ezekiel to prove how bad Sam is and the angel does by showing him that Death is there talking to Sam in person well in spirit. And unlike the time when Dean talks with Death, he actually compliments Sam. He asks Death that if he does die, that it’s final. Meaning no deal, no angel, no can reverse and he stays dead. It is that talk that Dean hears and questions on what to do.

Ezekiel explains that when he heals Sam as well as himself he leaves. With no other option other than letting Sam die, Dean agrees. I mean come on, without Sam who knows what other trouble Dean would be up to. It would be the Dean Winchester show! Ezekiel and Dean are both able to get Sam to say yes to him who then enters Sam and leaves his vessel. The angel tells the older Winchester they have to keep his presences a secret or else he could be ejected from Sam which means death. So he erases the memories of the hospital from Sam’s mind and he wakes up in the Impala.

The episode ends with Castiel having to choose between cleaning his suit and trench coat or stealing clothes and getting something out of the vendor. Of course he goes for the stealing in true Winchester style. It just shows that Castiel is really human and now he has to take care of his body as well as make sure he stays under the angel radar. It makes it a bit weird that took several seasons for this to happen. Castiel now needs to remember all the things that the Winchester taught him and hopefully implement it correctly.

I like how this episode keeps going back and forth between the Winchesters and Castiel. The struggle that Castiel is going through is different from the ones the Winchesters are going through. Castiel is alone while Dean has to worry about Sam potentially dying on him. The drama from the earlier season also comes into play, for example Metatron taking Castiel’s grace. As a human, Castiel now must be careful because he does not have his powers or angel strength. With Dean we see the typical fight to protect his brother. This episode had me more interest in the angels and their humanization than anything else, but other than that it was the same plot line. I’m sorry but the whole Dean being the big brother and saving Sam plot line is way over used. I like how they are trying to get back to basics, but come one make it have more of a twist! Hats off to them for bring in another angel ally in a more unique way. Possessed Sam Winchesters are always fun to deal with.

Rating: ★★★☆☆
ComicsOnline gives Supernatural 9×01– “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” 3 angel possessions out of 5.

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