Based on the popular light novel of the same name, Another is due to be released by Hanabee Entertainment on Blu-Ray and DVD on the 3rd of July 2013. Animated by PA Works and from the director also responsible for Blood-C, Squid Girl & xxxHOLic, Another should definitely be on the radar of all anime lovers. Check out the following press release from Hanabee Entertainment:
Denying Death Is a High Stakes Game
In 1972 Misaki suddenly passed away. The student’s death was so unexpected that the classmates and teacher had decided to pretend the incident never happened, allowing for Misaki to continue attending class and graduate with them. But in doing so they had unwittingly set a curse upon the school.
26 years later, Kouichi Sakakibara transferred into the very same class and it is clear something is amiss. A tense atmosphere has engulfed them and the answer may lie in the hands of an aloof classmate who no one appears to be aware of.
“…alongside its believable animation and intricate plot, makes Another one of the more intelligent anime horror series to come about in some time—and certainly one of the most impressive overall series of the year.” –
“Another proves to be one of anime’s few true horror series.” – ANN
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