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Blu-Ray Review: Batman – The Dark Knight Returns Part 2

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by Jayden Leggett, Editor

Finally, I now hold in my hands the follow-up to the awesomeness that was Batman: The Dark Knight Returns -Part 1. In case your comic book knowledge isn’t up to scratch, The Dark Knight Returns was a comic book written and illustrated my Frank Miller (Sin City), and was set in a future where all superheroes have retired. A rise in crime in Gotham compels a significantly older Bruce Wayne to don the cowl and cape once more to set things straight, for good. If you haven’t read the comic or seen the first part of the animated adaptation, go out and do it right now! It’s cool, I’ll wait for you… All set? Good. Otherwise, some plot points might be ruined. Which reminds me…


Taking place three months after Batman’s defeat of the leader of the gang of thugs known as the Mutants, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – Part 2 begins with Gotham still in a state of disarray. A new gang, the Sons of Batman, have arisen to dish out their own brand of deadly street justice, while the Joker has emerged from a years-long vegetative state of catatonia after witnessing news reports of Batman’s return to crime fighting. Also getting wind of the caped crusader’s exploits, the President of the US orders a certain super-powered individual to keep tabs on the Batman’s activities, and bring a stop to him should the need arise…batman horse

As can be predicted, all types of hell soon break loose. The Joker goes on a bloody rampage while simultaneously almost starting World War III, the new police Commissioner Yindel sets the entire police force on to attempting to capture Batman, Superman goes to war and attempts to avert a nuclear strike. All the while Batman is at the centre of the chaos as he tries to stop the Joker, avoid capture at the hands of both the police and Superman, and restore the crumbling city of Gotham to a state of order. I loved the fact that the plot wasn’t a simple case of beginning, middle and end, but instead was a tangled web of various events that have all stemmed from Batman’s presence. And the superhero showdown at the end? Fan-bloody-tastic! This movie didn’t just have one standout moment, but several “Holy crap, that’s ridiculously cool!” instances.

Most of these “ridiculously cool instances” are a result of the amazing fight sequences that take place. In his older age, Batman has become slightly less agile and instead relies upon brute strength and hard-hitting strikes to take out his foes. You can practically feel the impact of each brutal blow that is landed, and fans will not be disappointed by the animated adaptations of the already outstanding comic panels. One of my favourite scenes involves what appears to be a crazy, stocky old lady in a liquor store that soon turns out to be an unstoppable fighting machine!

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Speaking of which, both the art design and animation are top notch. The visuals are a great homage to Miller’s artwork, while also feeling somewhat fresh and new. Equally impressive is the sound design, with the sound effects perfectly resembling the intense actions taking place on screen, and the industrial-style music more than adequately setting the appropriate moods and ambience for the story.

In terms of the voice acting, I couldn’t formulate a single complaint. Peter Weller (RoboCop himself!) performs an excellent portrayal of and older but still tough-as-nails Dark Knight, while Superman (Mark Valley – Human Target, Fringe), Commissioner Gordon (David Selby – Falcon Crest) and the new female Robin (Ariel Winter – Modern Family) were also brilliantly cast in their roles. I also especially dug the slightly less maniacal but way more sinister and creepy take on the Joker, played by Michael Emerson (Lost). Solid performances all round.


Honestly, there are so many great things to say about this movie, and most are thanks to Miller’s original masterpiece. Superman’s blurred lightning-fast presence in Gotham city, the adoptive relationship formed between Batman and his new Robin, the underlying political commentary that is prevalent throughout (the president is portrayed as being a gung-ho cowboy), the Man of Steel versus a nuclear warhead. My only complaint with the whole film is one that I also had with the original comic book, being that I felt the turn-around in the behaviours of the gang members felt a bit too sudden, with them all apparently “seeing the light” and realising the errors in their ways in the blink of an eye.


The Blu-Ray also has a swag of special features:

Trailers – Man of Steel, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, The Hobbit Part 1, Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Young Justice and Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Advertisements – DCU App, Before Watchmen

Sneak Peaks (with interviews from the cast and crew) – Superman: Unbound, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – Part 1

Short Featurettes – Superman Vs Batman: When Heroes Collide – An analysis of the themes behind Miller’s book, and what the two main superheroes represent

The Joker: Laughing in the Face of Death – An analysis of the Joker and his characteristics, motivations etc

Behind the Scenes – From Sketch to Screen: Exploring the Adaptation Process with Jay Oliva – The standout of all of the special features, an in-depth look at what went in to translating the original comic book into an animation, complete with detailed descriptions of the various meanings and themes being conveyed. Narrated by the film’s director, Jay Oliva

Extra Bonus – Classic Batman: The Animated Series episode “The Last Laugh”

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All told, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – Part 2 is an immensely enjoyable film that does a lot of justice in portraying its original source material whilst being a solid piece of art in its own right. Fans of the book will definitely be happy with the way this project has been treated. For newcomers to geek pop culture, I would strongly recommend reading the original Frank Miller novels, watching the first film and then finishing it all up with this concluding chapter. You won’t be disappointed.

Rating: ★★★★½

ComicsOnline gives Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – Part 2 4.5 out of 5 batarangs through the eyeball.

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Audio visual multimedia extraordinaire (at least in his own mind), Aussie Dave dragged Jayden into this glorious den of geek pop culture, and it's gonna take more than what you can offer to drag him away. Unless you bribe him with Ninja Turtles related merchandise... then all bets are off.
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