by Karl Madsen, Editor
How is it that there can be so many police shows on T.V., and yet every fall new cop shows get aired and every spring some of those shows get renewed? Do you ever wonder if there is just that much crime to go around? We’ve looked at cops as rookies and veterans, beat cops and detectives, homicide, vice, forensics and Internal Affairs. The police have operated in the cities and country, north and south, east and west. We’ve visited the past, gone to the future, and even been protected by mythical creatures. In my opinion, it’s the characters that are well developed, quirky, and a group dynamic that evolves, changes, but never becomes dull. The Glades seems to fit the criteria.

front Jeff (Shelton)
Last season we learned that Jim Longworth (Matt Passmore – Masterwork) is a Chicago detective who moved to Florida after his captain shot him in the backside. Callie Cargill (Kiele Sanchez – 30 Days of Night: Dark Days) is a nurse, med student, and struggling single mom to Jeff (Uriah Shelton – Blue) and wife to Ray (Clayne Crawford – 24), a convicted armed robber doing time up-state. It’s because of Ray’s profession, and separation that allows Jim and Callie to become friends. Since Jim locked up his first partner for killing his wife, he teams up with medical examiner, Carlos Sanchez (Carlos Gomez – Shark), and paid intern and gopher Daniel Green (Jordan Wall – The Summoning). Rounding out the group is Coleen Manus (Michelle Hurd – 90210), the precinct captain.
At the end of season one Jim was making a name for himself as a detective, he and Callie had finally figured out their relationship, and we found out that Ray had snitched to get out of prison early. The Glades: Season Two starts out with Jim and Callie dealing with the return of Ray, and a case from Chicago shows up in Florida which also brings Jims former partner and lover, Det. Sam Harper (Natalia Cigluiti – Raising the Bar). Did I mention that a jealous and insecure Callie has been hired as a forensic nurse to assist Carlos, and a somewhat jealous and confused Jim on their cases? Entertaining for us, not so much for them. But crime fighting goes on and cases are solved involving race car drivers, sailors and poachers, moonshiners, circus folk, medical examiners, human traffickers, mobsters, and your plain old serial killers.

Episode Listing:
Episode 1 – Family Matters – Jim is put on the case when a daughter of a Cuban Mob member is found dead.
Episode 2 – Old Ghosts – When Detective Samantha Harper, a woman from Jim’s past, comes to Florida, Jim and her have to team up before a killer kills again.
Episode 3 – Lost and Found – The body of a Navy Recruiter is found, and a baby’s life may be in danger if the killer isn’t found.
Episode 4 – Moonlighting – When a 12-year-old girl gets pulled over and the police find the body of a NASCAR mechanic in the trunk, Jim is put on the case to find the killer.
Episode 5 – Dirty Little Secrets – When a man finds a man killed at a rest stop, Jim and Carlos along with Dr. Perez, an old student of Carlos’s, investigate further to see what the cause of death was and who did it.
Episode 6 – Gibtown – When a woman’s body is found in a baby stroller in an area where the people are descendants of sideshow people, Jim is on the case to find who killed the woman.
Episode 7 – Addicted to Love – When a Haitian doctor is found murdered, Jim pieces things together and finds that he was involved in illegal drugs and selling them as well.
Episode 8 – Second Skin – When a minister is found dead in a pit of snakes, Jim is forced to go into the world of a religious sect that he knows nothing about to find a killer that could be in the midst of the members.
Episode 9 – Iron Pipeline – When a coach is shot, Jim is called in to investigate the murder.
Episode 10 – Swamp Thing – When a Coast Guard Marine’s finger is found inside a dead boar’s stomach, Jim and Carlos go out to find the killer. This results in uncovering something bigger than just a murder as well.
Episode 11 – Beached – Jim is called on the scene when a man is found dead on the beach and the owner of a beachside bar is the main suspect.
Episode 12 – Shine – An Ernest Hemingway look-alike is found shot in the head and adrift in the ocean.
Episode 13 – Breakout – In the Season 2 finale, ex-con brothers seize Callie’s hospital and take hostages, and Jim and Callie must work together to capture the men and keep everyone safe.
Special features:
Family Matters – Extended Episode
Deleted Scenes
Jim Longworth’s Guide to Police Work
Love Triangles: Relationship Complexities and The Glades
Gag Reel
Commentary on Moonlighting Episode

So what makes The Glades a good show? Well, besides the quirkiness I like the fact that the characters can be related to. Colleen is the firm but fair boss, Daniel and Carlos are good and likable partners, Callie is the girl next door, and Jim is the putter wielding, wisecracking guy that eventually finds the answer, but has to make several mistakes along the way. Their lives are not without the occasional bump, whether it be love lives, gone astray protégées, or problems with family and friends, we can relate to the way they react to the bumps. Besides, everything is better when you’re in the swamp. If you watch The Glades then you’ll want to pick up Season 2, and if you’ve never seen The Glades then go out and get season 1 and 2. You won’t regret it.
ComicsOnline gives The Glades Season 2 4 ½ swamp crimes out of 5.
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