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DVD Review: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – The Friendship Express

by Kroze “King of the Bronies” Kresky, Media Editor

Ponies! Ponies! Ponies!
You cant go anywhere on the internet these days without hearing something about those crazy ponies with their magical friendship! And for good reason! My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has rekindled the world’s obsession with small horses bringing the MLP license back into the limelight that it hasn’t seen since the mid 80’s when the first My Little Pony show came on televisions everywhere. This time however, it is not just girls or young kids who are swept up in the pony craze. Men, women, kids of all ages are now experiencing just how awesome ponies can be, no doubt in any small part or way to Lauren Faust (Powerpuff Girls, Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends) who has decided to reinvigorate this franchise by bringing her own unique style and brand of humor to it.
The show follows a magic wielding unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle, who is a bit of a bookworm and nerd. She is sent off by her mentor, Princess Celestia, into the village of Ponyville to learn how to make friends, and make them she does! She runs into a motley crew of different ponies and quickly becomes bestest pals with them as they are forced to deal with a number of trials and hardships together.
One of the best aspects of this show is how unique and full of character each pony is. For instance, you have Rainbow Dash, a pegasus from the city of cloudsdale who is always quick to be the number one at anything and everything but she has a quick temper and doesn’t really think before getting herself involved in various situations. On the flip side of that you have Fluttershy (which if she isn’t your favorite pony after watching the first episode, this reviewer will come to your house and shank yo- err… I mean “love and tolerate” you… Yes…) who is a soft spoken and quiet pony that loves animals, but her shyness and her fear of upsetting others constantly get in the way of her relationships… Just… Don’t piss her off… You wouldn’t like to see her when she is angry (also known as “FlutterBitch” by the Brony community). The complex and very defined characterizations of each of these ponies make the interactions between them all so very fun to watch as well as the various and wacky situations they constantly get themselves involved in.
“Friendship is Magic Part 1: Mare in the Moon” – When Twilight Sparkle finds out about the return of the evil Nightmare Moon to the land she sets out to warn everybody but no one believes her. Worst of all her own mentor sends her out to Ponyville to make some friends. How can she when such a fate awaits them all?
“Friendship is Magic Part 2: Elements of Harmony” – The prophecy has been fulfilled and Nightmare Moon once again walks the land, determined to plunge everyone into eternal night. Twilight Sparkle now must gather up her new companions Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to help find the one thing that can stop Nightmare Moon and save all of Equestria: The Elements of Harmony!
“Over a Barrel” – The pony friends decide to take a little trip to the western town of Appleloosa to see some of Applejack’s relatives when they find themselves in the middle of a conflict between the ponies of the town and a herd of buffalo about a bunch of land the ponies have planted trees on. With the crew of friends split between the two opposing factions, is there any possible way to unite everyone. Also: Fluttershy would like to be a tree.
“Hearth’s Warming Eve” – This episode delves into the history of how the land of Equestria came known to exist as the “Mane 6” ponies help present a play based on the events that happened way back when. But how can they possibly put it on when they are fighting among themselves? Could the answer lie within the hundred year tale they are performing?
“The Last Roundup” – Applejack is sent off to Canterlot to take part in the famous Canterlot Rodeo competition in the hopes of being able to win and bring back enough money to repair the Ponyville Town Hall. When Twilight and friends throw a party for AJ’s return home, they are left confused when they receive a note stating that she will not be returning home but plans on sending the money. Confused, saddened and angered that one of their friends would just leave them like that, the crew heads off to Canterlot to track down Applejack and find out what happened to her. This episode is very notable for being the one in which Derpy Hooves, a fan named and very much loved wall eyed pony, is called by name and speaks. Later versions of the episode on itunes and on re-airings were edited to not contain her name and to “improve” her voice to much fan rage. Thankfully the episode is preserved here in its original unaltered form.
Special Features:
  • My Little Pony Theme Song Sing Along
  • Meet the Ponies Bios
  • Premiere episode of brand new series “The All-New Pound Puppies”: Yipper Caper
  • Unlisted 5.1 Audio Track
The comedy aspect of this show is very well realized and developed in a way which adds various layers of jokes into every episode, allowing the show to be enjoyed on many different levels by people of all ages. Younger children will enjoy the bright colors and slapstick humor the show provides while older viewers will get a kick out of the various references they manage to cram into every episode. Don’t be surprised if by the end of this DVD you run out searching for figurines of your favorite pony (which again, if it isn’t Fluttershy my “love and tolerate” stick WILL find its way to you… Just sayin…). It really is no surprise that this show has gained such a large fanbase in a short amount of time (with some even dubbing themselves “Bronies” in support of MLP:FiM) with the amount of quality and love you can tell is put into creating each and every episode. Sadly this DVD isn’t without a few huge glaring flaws…
The audio sync on several episodes goes off a few times making it very hard and distracting to watch those episodes. There is also a lack of special features besides an extended sing along of the opening theme song and a couple bios which they really could have brought and done so much more considering the fanbase and wealth of content this show has been known for within it. Hopefully on subsequent DVD releases, we will see them expand more on the extra included content to make it more worthwhile.
This DVD is very hard to recommend to even the most dedicated Brony with the flaws that it contains, Especially with all the episodes being on itunes in better quality and cheaper for the 5 episodes contained on this disc. The only real plus to having this is to have “The Last Roundup” unedited with Derpy still intact. While the show is one of the best animated shows on television today, it really does deserve a DVD better than the quality shown here in this release.
ComicsOnline gives My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – The Friendship Express 2 brohooves out of 5!
Get your copy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – The Friendship Express on Amazon.

Stay tuned to for more reviews and for everything geek pop culture!


And now, ComicsOnline is proud to present the remixed version of Kroze’s favorite MLP song:

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Kevin has run ComicsOnline since 2000 so everything you like about it is due to his excellent staff and everything you don't like is all his fault. He hopes you'll comment and share the crap out of it either way. Also he sends you virtual hugs.
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