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Movie News: Justice League: Doom – Interview with Tim Daly (Superman)

Check out the new interview with Tim Daly (Superman: The Animated Series) as he discussed reprising the role of Superman for the new DC Animated Universe release: Justice League: Doom!


Private Practice star Tim Daly reprises role of Superman for JUSTICE

Superman: The Animated Series star returns for key role in
all-new DC Universe Animated Original PG-13 Movie available Feb. 28

The quintessential voice of the Man of Steel – primetime television
star Tim Daly – once again returns to his original animated role of
Superman in JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM, the next entry in the popular,
ongoing series of DC Universe Animated Original PG-13 Movies.

Daly set the standard as the voice behind the world’s ultimate super
hero for Superman: The Animated Series as well as in several animated
movies and video games. While fanboys hail his vocal performance as
their point of recognition, the Emmy nominated actor is known well
throughout the world for his primetime television series roles,
including eight seasons on Wings, an intense recurring role on The
Sopranos, a memorable turn on HBO’s landmark mini-series From The
Earth To The Moon, and his current ABC hit series, Private Practice.

Daly has joined the festivities surrounding the West Coast Premiere of
JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM on Thursday, February 16 at The Paley Center for
Media in Beverly Hills. The actor will appear for red carpet
interviews and take part in the panel discussion following the film –
alongside his co-stars Phil Morris (Seinfeld, Smallville), Paul
Blackthorne (The River), Oliva d’Abo (The Wonder Years) and Susan
Eisenberg (Justice League, Justice League Unlimited). Also confirmed
to attend is director Lauren Montgomery and dialogue/casting director
Andrea Romano.

Media wishing to do interviews on the red carpet prior to the
screening MUST send an email RSVP to [email protected] and INCLUDE
in that email their name, name of media outlet, a valid email for the
media attending, and whether or not the interviews will be filmed.
There is no guaranteed seating for media at the screening.

Warner Home Video will distribute JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM on Blu-Ray, DVD
and for Download on February 28, 2012.

Daly took a few minutes to offer answers to some questions that
haven’t been posed to him – lately. Here’s what Mr. Daly had to offer:

What’s the crux of JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM from Superman’s perspective?

Well, as usual, it’s all about saving the planet. But first, the
Justice League has to save the Justice League. Batman disappoints his
colleagues in the Justice League by having a plan to stop any rogue
Justice League member, and by allowing those plans to be stolen.
Superman understands Batman, though – he really has created these
contingency plans for  a pretty noble reason.  He’s trying to protect
the world by inserting some checks and balances into this system,
realizing that the Justice League has an incredible amount of power,
and he wants to make sure that they always use that power in a way
that’s not destructive.

Are you able to turn on and off the Superman voice without hesitation,
or is there some sort of warm-up involved – mentally or vocally?

There’s just a lot of technical things to keep in mind. You get warmed
up like you do with anything and, after a little rehearsing, it’s all
second nature. That doesn’t mean I didn’t want to go back and do a few
lines over again – you want these things to be just right. But you
don’t necessarily jump straight back in. I mean, it’s not like I walk
around being Superman in real life.  But when you read the script and
put yourself in the position that Superman is in – I mean, he’s always
saving the planet, for God’s sake. When you realize that, it’s not
difficult to take the gravitas of the situation and make your voice do
what it needs to do.

As well as you know this character after all of these years, are you
ever shy to offer suggestions about how certain dialogue might be
presented or altered?

Usually the writing is pretty great, but then again, I can’t keep my
mouth shut.  If I think something can be better, I’ll speak up and say
so. But I will explain why I’m making the suggestion. I actually find
that writers respond very well to being asked questions.  “Why would
Superman say that?”  “Would it be better if I said it this way?” You
don’t just want to be critical – that doesn’t benefit anyone. The best
creative work usually comes from a collaboration.

Have you ever found yourself using the Superman attitude or voice in real life?

I did a little bit when my kids were young.  And I found that it
worked much better on my daughter than my son.  I would say to her,
(beefs up his voice), “Stop that right now.” And she would be suitably
taken aback. But my son, he didn’t really care.

Has providing the voice of Superman helped you learn anything about
yourself or changed you in any way?

Maybe a little bit.  Maybe some of what gets you through your walks in
the world is attitude.  Certainly Superman has a lot of power and he
doesn’t have to be showy, rather he carries that confidence quietly.
He knows what he can do. I certainly am not capable of pulling that
off in my own life.  But knowing that, I can fake that attitude to
help me out now and then.

What Superman memorabilia have you collected over the years?

I have a beautiful wooden Superman statue with a removable cape – I
really love that piece. I have a cel from the original Superman series
cartoons.  And I have a gold Superman “S” pin. And then there’s my
tights, uh, but don’t tell anymore.

TV and film is usually a one-way experience for you.  You don’t really
get to see the final product with an audience very often.  But you’re
coming back to the Paley Center in Los Angeles for the premiere of
JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM – and this will be your second time seeing one of
the DC Universe animated movies alongside the fans. What was your
experience like watching Superman/Batman: Apocalypse last time?

It was really great because the fans were so into it.  Fan reaction is
really wonderful to experience in person, especially fans of this
genre. They’re so passionate. And it was also fun because it was just
my voice and Superman’s image.  Usually when I see myself in a film or
on television, there’s about a six-month period where I can’t look at
it because all I’ll see are the mistakes. I’m just appalled by the
person that I see.  The camera sees me from angles that I’ve never
seen myself, so I never think it’s me.  I look at that and I think,
“My God, that’s me.” But with these films, I can look up and it is
Superman on the screen.  So I don’t have to go through all that. He
has no flaws.

What’s the magic of working with dialogue director Andrea Romano?

The great thing about working with Andrea is that she loves it so
much, and she’s so positive about it.  You can’t fake that.  Even
after all this time, doing 41 shows at a time, all the series and
films, she’s right there with the same enthusiasm and love for the
material. I don’t know how she keeps it all straight. Plus, she really
loves actors – you always feel like she’s rooting for you.  And that
makes it very easy.


Special thanks to WB for providing this new interview.

Stay tuned to for more Justice League: Doom coverage, and for everything geek pop culture!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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