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Blu-Ray Review: Archer Season 2

by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor

What would happen if the most arrogant dick on Earth just happened to become a spy because of his mother owns the company? Meet Sterling Archer. The world’s most uncaring and offensive secret agent returns in FX’s Archer Season 2 now available on Blu-Ray!

Join Archer and the misfit crew of the freelance spy agency ISIS as they embark on new and dangerous missions that they have no business being in with hilarious results. Adam Reed’s workplace comedy quickly became a cult classic in its first season with its quick witted jokes and obscure unique referential humor. Many have compared the series to an animated version of Arrested Development, especially with several cast members from said show appearing more or less as the same type of of character here. Can Season 2 hold up to the previous season’s high quality?

Archer Season 2 contains 13 episodes with more of everything you love about the show only highly expanded upon. Sterling, Lana, Cyril, Pam, Carol and Malory are all back in force with many of them getting their own separate episodes and storylines this season, but more importantly fan loved secondary characters such as Krieger and Ray come into expanded roles as well. Season Two allowed the creative team to push the envelope even further by turning one off jokes into full blown multi-episode arcs (such as Archer ending up getting cancer or Archer ending up with a child) which helped to give this season more of a cohesive overall feel.

While Season 2 does become pretty dark at some points, the series never manages to forget its unique brand of sarcastic humor. You will always be able to count on Sterling Archer to try to force a catchphrase or make a reference to something no one else cares about no matter the situation which makes the show so enjoyable and rewatchable throughout the season. Also the animation quality has progressed a lot from Season 1 to Season 2 with a lot more dynamic scenes that are not flat and static as well as action sequences that are very elaborate and fun to watch unfold.

None of this would be possible without the stellar voice cast that Archer has going for it. H. Jon Benjamin never fails in making you love and despise Sterling Archer at the same time, bringing to life the lovable douchebag with charm and Aisha Tyler has great chemistry with him portraying the hardassed professional Lana, Archer’s ex-girlfriend. Arrested Development alums Judy Greer and Jessica Walter succeed in bringing what made them such fan favorites over to Archer with expert timing and deliveries like the seasoned pros they are. Lucky Yates really shines this season as Dr. Krieger with some of the best lines of the entire season. If they made a Dr. Krieger soundboard for sale, I would be all over that like food on Pam belly! Speaking of Pam, it feels like her and Cyril are given a lot less to do this season overall and are moreso left by the wayside with all the crazy adventures and antics happening.

Episode Highlights:

“Swiss Miss”: In the season premiere, Sterling Archer is forced to protect a Swiss billionaire’s daughter from being captured and ransomed off. Turns out she has a thing for Archer and tries to do anything in order to seduce him… which normally wouldn’t be a problem except for that she is underage. Now Archer must attempt to evade both her and her potential abductors if he has any hope of living through this mission.

“Blood Test”: Trinette, the “whore” from last season reappears and demands a blood test from Archer when it comes to light that Sterling may have a son… the ISIS team now has to break into the blood bank in order to switch the blood samples in order to make sure Sterling won’t be paying out fees for the rest of his life.

“Tragical History”: Sick of always being the second banana in the office to Archer’s stupid heroics, Cyril comes up with a plan to save the day… but in order to do so he must inject a computer virus into ISIS’s computer mainframe and then fix it. When the computer virus quickly gets out of control, Cyril realizes he has just made a huge mistake.

“Placebo Effect”: After finding out that he has cancer, Archer finds out the medicine he has been taking along with other fellow cancer patients is fake he goes on a rampage in order to get revenge on the criminals who did this and caused a good friend’s death.

“White Nights”: Archer goes on a mission to uncover the truth about who is father really is, leading him to Russia and Nikolai Jackov.and lands himself in jail. ISIS now must stage a rescue mission to save him with the help of Barry from ODIN.

Special Features:

  • Archersaurus – Self Extinction: In a sequel to the first season’s DVD special feature, Self Extinction shows the rise and fall of Archersaurus in a complete expose of the dinosaur’s life.
  • Ask Archer – Archer answers fan questions about his life
  • Semper Fi – Archer gives a shout out to some of our military men overseas… and completely sucks at doing so
  • ISIS Infiltrates Comic-Con: See the cast and crew of Archer at their San Diego Comic Con panel
  • L’espion Mal Fait
  • 1080p Video
  • 5.1 DTS HD Audio


Archer Season 2 on Blu-Ray continues to shine with its offbeat and intelligent humor that manages to nail the officeplace situational comedy feel that many live action shows can’t seem to pull off correctly. The cast is spot on and every episode will have you giggling your black tactile turtleneck off! Adam Reed and company deserve massive props for keeping up the high and fast paced comedy that made Season 1 such a hit. You can tell the creative crew had way too much in working on every episode and so you when watching it!

ComicsOnline gives Archer Season 2 Blu-Ray 4 Terms of Rampagements out of 5

Get your copy of Archer Season 2 Blu-Ray at Amazon.

Come back into the DANGER ZONE at ComicsOnline for more Archer coverage and for everything geek pop culture!

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