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NYCC 2010: Spotlight On Geoff Johns Panel

The following Information has been provided to T by correspondent Mike Devaney.

Geoff spoke a lot about all things DC including the recent news that Zack Snyder would be directing the new Superman film. He was asked about John Stewart and he said he'll be featured in a Big Green Lantern crossover coming soon. He said Aquaman would be bad ass after the events of Brightest Day. Wasn't able to share more about that.

A fan asked who his favorite B-List character was and he stated he really enjoys Aquaman and wants him to be A-List.He is very excited about the Wonder Woman TV series being developed by David E. Kelly. Another Fan wanted to know if the white light will affect Superman or other previously dead characters and he said the affect was only for the moment shown in Blackest Night.

Confirmed that we should expect Green Lantern teaser to be rolled out with Harry Potter release. A fan wanted to know when we could expect Wally West to be step out of the background in Flash and he said we should expect Wally and Bart to be a part of the next Flash story line entitled "Hot Pursuit".

He said he does most of his writing at night and on weekends.

When asked about other DC characters showing up in other media, he indicated we should expect announcement about a possible Suicide Squad video game.

When asked about the future of Wildstorm characters within the DC universe he stated he could not speak specifics.

A fan wanted to know if there were plans for Chris Nolan's Batman and Superman to occupy a shared universe like the Avengers linked films over at Marvel. Said He thinks DC Characters are bigger then Marvel characters. Thinks it's important to focus on individual characters.

Asked if he'll write for the Green Lantern Animated Series, he said not at this time. Described it as CGI in Bruce Timm's Style.

Confirmed that DC Universe Online will be postponed till 2011.

Is currently writing a Booster Gold episode for Smallville. He'll be telling Clark to take the day off. Clark will notice the Legion flight ring and ask about it. Booster will say he's not a member but a "good friend of theirs".

Mera will be joining the Suicide Squad.

A fan asked if Geoff is religious and he described himself as spiritual but not religious. Believes in self awareness & growth with emotions. That's why he likes Green Lantern.

A fan wanted more information about the Indigo Tribe and Johns says we will be getting more about them in issue 59 & 60 of Green Lantern.

Asked if he will write any of the upcoming DC Movies and he says he working on all DC Movies. Say he anticipates 1 and maybe 2 a year going forward. 

Flash Point will be a Flash series in the first half of 2011 and will be out around the same time as Speed Force another Flash family book.

A new Speedster named "Hot Pursuit" will be showing up and he doesn't run he rides a motorcycle and is a police officer.

David E Kelly loves Wonder Woman

Geoff Johns loves Captain Cold and he keeps using him to show people why he is so cool.

He said when he read Green Lantern in the years ago he dropped the book when Hal started getting gray hair.

He mentioned the DC cost reduction to $2.99

Asked if we should expect any new rogues for Aquaman, he said there are more to come.

Showed cover for Brightest Day 14 with White Lantern Batman on cover and said Bruce Wayne is back.

Ask if could share any information about the Flash movie, he said he couldn't answer but that it will be cool.

Geoff Johns owns a comic book shop.

It was mentioned that page counts on the DC books is being reduced to 20 pages from 22 with the price cut to $2.99

He says Batman Incorporated will bring the Batman family together again.

Says he's a fan of Evil Star. We should expect something with him very soon.

Said we might see a Dex-Star Valentine's Day Special where he and Krypto meet.

Talked about working on Robot Chicken and that he's too busy to work on Titan Maximus.

Mentioned the Larfleez Christmas Special.

A fan wanted to know if Batman will be a jerk when he comes back and he said he thinks he'll be more of a team player.

Said the original Trickster is still dead.

Said Batman Earth 1 will be out in first half of 2011. Gary Frank is the Artist and that it's Batman before he was good at being Batman.

Could not talk about Flash movie or if Green Lantern was being planned as a trilogy.

Comics are his favorite medium to write for.

Said he's working on something with Grant Morrison.

Said Green Lantern Secret Origin 2 will be "Fall of Sinestro"

In a speed round he was asked:

Would he write a crossover with Marvel? Yes
Will Larfleez get an oath? Yes
Will there be a Flash /Green Lantern crossover? Yes
Can he confirm he is working on an Ironman/Green Lantern crossover with Matt Fraction? He love Matt Fraction
Will there be titles for the other corps? Yes, then said he should not have said that.

All in all a lot of questions and some good answers from one of the biggest names in comics today. Easily the driving force of the DC Universe.

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Once a proud bartender who ruled the five boroughs with his magic shaker, T has now retired to Florida to train the next generation of mixologists.
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