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DVD Review: Human Target – The Complete First Season

"I work with a cover, blend in to the background, let you appear vulnerable so the threat reveals itself and then eliminate the threat."

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire…Christopher Chance! Based on the DC Comics series, Human Target follows the adventures of Christopher Chance (Mark Valley), the man you turn to when your life is at stake. Chance is a man of many talents, and is an expert at blending into the background to seek out the threat and literally become a human target. Now the Complete First Season of Human Target is available to own on DVD!


Episode Highlights:

"Pilot": Battlestar Galactica's Tricia Helfer guest stars as Stephanie Dobbs, the designer of a new California Bullet Train. After an attempt is made on her life, she turns to Chance, Winston (Chi McBride from Pushing Daisies), and Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley from Watchmen) for their unique services. Chance accompanies Stephanie on the new train as her translator, and the two uncover the threat of an on board assassin. Before they have a chance to identify him, the assassin puts in motion a plan to derail the train! Now Chance must find a way to save the girl and the train before time runs out. This episode also features a guest appearance by Donnelly Rhodes (Battlestar Galactica) and Danny Glover (Leathal Weapon).

"Rewind": Chance takes to the sky as he is tasked with protecting a hacker named Casper who has discovered a skeleton key to the internet. With this code anyone could bypass all security and access any digital information with ease. While in the air, Chase faces off against Casper's would-be assassin, only to have the plane significantly damaged in the process. Chance and Winston must act fast to save the plane and all the passengers with some out of the box thinking. This episode also features a guest appearance by David Nykl from Stargate Atlantis.

"Lockdown": Alias alumni Kevin Weisman guest stars as Martin Gleason, a weapon designer who is being held against his will. Chance is hired to break into a top secret government building and rescue Gleason. Standing in their way is Leonard Kreese (Mitch Pileggi from Stargate Atlantis and The X-Files) who is in charge of building security and is responsible for keeping Gleason hostage. Chance must not only find a way of breaking into the facility, but must get Gleason out safely before his work falls into the wrong hands. This episode also furthers the mythology of the series by acknowledging a bit of Chance's past and the person that he worked for before his current occupation. Who is "The Old Man" and what did Chance originally do for a living?

"Christopher Chance": The season finale gives fans the answers they have been waiting for! We finally learn how Chance, Winston and Gurrerro came together. Without spoiling too much of this fastastic episode, we learn that the name "Christopher Chance" has been passed from person to person (a similar concept to The Phantom) and that the previous owner of that name happened to look a lot like the Six Million Dollar Man (Lee Majors). We also learn more about the first case that Chance and Winson take, and the sad fate that befalls Katherine Walters (played by Dollhouse Alumni Amy Acker). Do not miss this episode!

Special Features:
Confidential InformantFrom Page to Screen with Cast and Creators: Check out this awesome featurette that explains the process of adapting the comic to the current TV incarnation!

Full Contact Television- What it takes to unleash all that On-Screen action: Human Target features some very impressive stunt work, now go behind the scenes of the hit show to see what the team goes through to bring the action to your living room.

Unaired Scenes

Pilot Commentary by Mark Valley, Chi McBride, and Executive Producers Jonathan Steinberg and Peter Johnson

Audio Mix Enchanced from Broadcast

Human Target brings the action and adventure back to TV in a way that is reminiscent of past shows like The A-Team, Seven Days, and The Sentinel. Mark Valley steps into the role of Christoper Chance with charisma and charm. Jackie Earle Haley excels in the role of Guerrero, which is drastically different than his prior roles in Watchmen and Friday the 13th. Chi McBride's Winston be easily compared with his last role on Pushing Daisies, and while the two characters share a lot in common, it is obvious that Winston is willing to go further to protect people. One of the most exciting parts of watching Human Target is trying to find all of the guest stars! The special apperances by the various alumni from Battlestar Galactica, Alias, and Stargate Atlantis adds to the weekly fun of this action series. Human Target will return to Fox in November for Season Two, but until then you should rewatch the first season and keep an eye out for all of the familiar faces.

ComicsOnline gives Human Target- The Complete First Season– 4 out of 5 shows with amazing guest stars!

Get your copy of Human TargetThe Complete First Season on DVD at Amazon.

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more information on Human Target Season 2!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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