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Blu-ray Review: Stargate Universe Season 1.5

Stargate Universe
returns with a huge, energetic comeback. After having a large amount of setup and character development in the first half of the season, fans immediately get the payoff that we have been waiting for. Stargate Universe Season 1.5 is now on Blu-ray and DVD…and is it quite impressive.
Episode Highlights:
"Space"- When we last left the crew of the Destiny, we found Col. Young leaving the ever scheming Dr. Rush stranded upon an alien planet with Destiny taking off into hyperspace. We open the episode with Young not sleeping well and being greatly bothered by his marooning of Rush and several others upon the ship like Camile Wray, questioning what really happened between the two men down upon the planet's surface. Col. Young is about to make a report back to Earth when something goes horribly awry with the communication stones and he lands up in a spaceship…within an alien body. From there, the episode takes off with many MANY twists and turns as well as returning Dr. Rush to the crew of the Destiny in a very smart way which doesn't feel shoehorned in, unlike many previous resolutions to Stargate cliffhangers. There is a lot of great development for Col. Young in this episode which Justin Louis just takes and runs with. We finally get our first epic space battle of the series with amazing special effects and CGI to it which is some of the most impressive CGI the entire Stargate franchise has pulled off.
Speaking of impressive CGI, the aliens are fully CGI in this episode.  Their looks, movements and interactions with the actual actors of the cast is quite impressive and up there with some motion picture CGI creatures, even vaguely resembling the Prawn from last summer's District 9.

"Divided"- A plan is formed by Camile Wray to separate the civilians from the military by dividing the ship with each respective side residing over a half with Wray's half gaining access to control of the most important systems on the ship. This coupe starts a very dangerous game of alliances. In addition to this major issue, it turns out the aliens from "Space" aren't exactly done with our ragtag crew of humans making their way through the universe. It turns out that in the confusion of the epic battle in the previous episode, a lone ship has managed to attach itself to the Destiny in order to track it so the rest can hunt the ship down. The alien scout ship is quickly dispatched, yet Dr. Rush is worried they are still coming for some reason. These two plotlines converge and creates a well done storyline that continues on the path started from "Space".

"Human" and "Lost" – The stakes are higher than ever for an offworld team as they find out what it's like to be left behind by the Destiny. After missing their window for return, Eli, Scott, Greer and Chloe must navigate their way through several perilous planets to try and find a gate close enough to Destiny. These episodes were by far some of the most creative and really took the characters out of their element. Additionally, "Human" featured flashbacks to Dr. Rush's life and indoctrination into the Stargate Program. We get a great cameo from Dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks). We also get to see Rush start to find some answers in controlling the Destiny.
"Incursion"- The Lucian Alliance, the force that attacked the Iricrus base leaving our heroes stranded light years from home, has made its way to the Destiny and now our heroes must find a way to stop the incoming threat to the ship. Can the military and civilians on the ship team up and overcome their differences to stop this common enemy? This two part finale definitely keeps the cast on their feet.  Not only do they have to stop an invasion, but they must also keep the ship from failing apart. Fans are left with a massive cliffhanger as most of the cast is left in dangerous situations with little hope of survival. Who will control the Destiny? We will just have to wait and see.
Special Features:

1080p Video

5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio

Commentary by cast and crew on All Episodes- I recommend checking out the commentary for "Space" and "Incursion".  

Designing a New Race: Space Aliens – SGU had been severely lacking in the aliens department for the first half of Season One, but starting with "Space", the crew of the Destiny have a new (and awesome) alien threat.  

Tanked! Elyse Levesque Goes for a Swim – Check out what Elyse had to go through for her alien encounter in "Space"!

Chatting With The Cast Featurettes  

The Destiny of General O'Neill  

A Day in the Life of Louis Ferreira  

Out for a Spacewalk with Jamil Walker Smith  

Finding Destiny: A Tour of the Destiny Set with Chris Beach  

A Behind the Scenes Look at "Incursion"  

Two-for-One: Behind the "Incursion" Double Ratchet Stunt  

Kino Video Diaries- The Kino, the in-show camera ball device, has been one of the interesting visual choices for the SGU series, providing an alternate look and feel to several of the shots. Check out some of the video diaries from the characters in the show.


It really feels like the series has finally found its place and pacing after a somewhat uneven start to the season. The story and visuals have been stepped up and fans have clearly become more excited by the direction of the back half of Season One. Each episode incorporated a "wow" factor, either in the focus of specific characters, or just the incorporation of new and exotic alien beings.  I think many long time Stargate fans should be relieved to find that this show has finally found its way. Hopefully it will win back some of the diehard 'Gate fans that abandoned the show early on, quickly writing it off. Stargate Universe Season 1.5 reinforced the potential that the series has as a whole, and proves the Stargate franchise is alive and well.
ComicsOnline gives Stargate Universe Season 1.5 – 4.5 out of 5 Aliens that aren't just people in a costume.

Get your copy of Stargate Universe Season 1.5 at

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more Stargate Universe news and for everything geek pop culture!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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