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Anime Oasis 2010 Days Two and Three

Day two of Anime Oasis wasn’t nearly as eventful as day one, but still completely worth going. Starting the day off was a signing with voice actor and comic book artist Sonny Strait, followed closely by another panel with Sonny Strait. This panel was only slightly more informative than the last, and filled with repeat questions and anecdotes (that were still funny the second time around). One of the most interesting tidbits to come from this is that Sonny has been dubbing and directing new animes, though he is under strict contract not to talk about them.
After the panel, Sonny was just outside the dealer’s hall at a small booth set up for him where he was selling and signing the 20th anniversary edition of the very first comic he ever had published, Mr. Average.

In the back of this comic, he left a blank page where he would draw the character of your choice that he did the voice for. Although I am a fan of Dragonball Z, I am actually a bigger fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, so I asked him to draw Maes Hughes. I’m including a picture of his drawing, but if you haven’t seen the series and don’t want it spoiled for you, I would suggest not looking at the full-size version of the drawing.

Mid-afternoon rolled by, and the panel for Johnny Yong Bosch began. Johnny is best known for his roles as Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Nero (Devil May Cry 4, which he also directed and did motion capture for), Lelouch (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion), and to me, Firion (Dissidia Final Fantasy). A lot of good information came from his panel, though it’s mostly just hints at what’s to come (and not to come) since he, too, is contracted not to talk about his upcoming projects.
What we did get to find out is that dubbing for new Bleach episodes has begun! Rejoice, Bleach fans, for it will continue! Also, there is no news on dubbing for the new Bleach movie, nor the new Trigun movie. There are also new animes set to come out that he has dubbed, but unfortunately can’t talk about.
Something interesting I found out is that he is the guitarist and lead vocalist in a band called Eyeshine. Their name was inspired by Steve Irwin in 2004 while trying to decide on a new name since “Partly Cloudy” wasn’t cutting it for them anymore. He and his drummer, Maurice, did an acoustic version of one of their songs (written by Johnny himself) called Alone. This here is the album version of it.

Later that night was the much anticipated (to me, anyway) High Society Formal, a dance with a strict dress code that played waltz and classical music for the two hours it was happening. Although the dress code was strict and it was supposed to be classy, it was extremely fun. I got to dance with several people who were just as clumsy and new at waltzing as I was, and even a guy who taught me some swing dancing (not the crazy kind that wouldn’t have fit at this kind of dance; it was very appropriate spins and dips and such). By the end of the night, I had sore feet, but I wished it had gone on longer, or that there was one the next night. I didn't get many pictures, but here's a group I managed to catch before going inside the ballroom.

Day Three
Day three turned out to be quite a bit slower than the previous days. Johnny Yong Bosch returned with Maurice to do an hour long performance in the arena where he not only performed songs from their cd, but also did quite a few improv songs where he sang about members of the audience and people wandering around. And potatoes. It was only an hour, but he was excited to be there, he laughed at himself in his spur-of-the-moment songs about x-ray vision (and gaining twenty pounds because of curry), and he made the whole performance enjoyable.
Immediately after him were the cosplay skits. So many of them were funny, a few were quite epic, there were a few musical numbers (my favorite being the tango by Zelda and Link, who even won an award), and several amazing walk-ons. I didn’t get good pictures of the Zelda dance, but I did manage to catch a picture of his amazingly well done tunic.

This musical performance, though, was perhaps the funniest one of the night. I’m so sad I didn’t get my camera out and ready faster! I didn’t miss much, though, so you can enjoy almost all of what I did.

After the competition, we found out that the winner of the swimsuit contest was the one dressed as Poison Ivy, and that pretty much concluded the most interesting parts of day three.

Keep it here at ComicsOnline for more anime news and everything geek pop culture!

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