Her friends think that Misao Harada is a strange girl, perhaps even touched by madness, as well as clumsiness. She seems to talk to herself at odd times, spaces out while staring off into apparent emptiness, and trips over nothing. But Misao is not crazy, nor is she simply awkward. Like the little boy in the Sixth Sense, she sees things that no one else can see, perceives occupants of this world that originate in another, and has been able to since a very young age. While some might consider this a gift, Misao finds that it sets her apart from most people, and the one person she has ever been able to share this magical world with moved away ten years ago. He was her first and only love and to this day she misses him still. But he had promised her that one day he would return for her, and part of her hopes that he will. But in the meantime, she works at keeping her talent for seeing the strange and unusual under wraps, as she attempts to simply be a normal high school student.
The Skinny
When a popular boy at her school begins to walk home with her one day and invites her out, Misao is flattered – but she suddenly feels ill, feverish even, and has a strange compulsion to hurry away from him, even as her mind strays to her first love, memories of his promise – and what was it he had called her? His what? She can't remember and it's driving her nuts! Passing by the vacant house next to her own, she sees that the gate is open, and on impulse she glances in, espying a beautiful woman. But appearances are deceiving, and it is indeed a very beautiful man… one who sees her and calls to her by name…. and reminds her of a bygone time when they once played together! It isn't until he sees and removes the mushi spirit from her that Misao realizes who he must be – her first love, Kyo, has returned! The next day at school the popular boy is once again by her side, but this time he reveals his interest in her – she is not just an ordinary girl, she is a person of interest to the demon world; if a goblin drinks her blood, he will live longer, if he eats her flesh, he will obtain eternal youth, but if he weds her, she will bring prosperity to his family. A terrified Misao fears she will be eaten just as she has gotten her love back, but Kyo suddenly appears and now she remembers what it was he had told her – Misao is his bride! Kyo reveals himself to be a demon, and not just that, but the head of his own powerful clan, come to claim her for his own! What has she gotten herself into, which brings to mind the old adage – be careful what you wish for, for you might surely get it!

As Kanoko Sakurakoji's Black Bird progresses, Misao learns more and more about her first love, including that whenever she becomes wounded, he can lick her back to health! And he is not averse to inappropriate touching, such as grabbing her breasts, attempting to get into her pants! He importunes her to sleep with him for her own protection! And even more shocking is when Misao discovers that the new sub home room teacher is none other than Kyo, who intends to protect her no matter what! By volume 3, Misao knows she loves Ryo but worries that he simply needs her for the sake of his family. She worries about what will happen to her if she becomes his bride – will she disappear from this life forever, never to see her family again? That thought is very unbearable indeed! Just then some girls in her class are exclaiming over a daring water rescue of a little boy, just as a soaked Kyo enters, removing his shirt to reveal his very buff body, to the delight of the girls and to Misao's intense jealousy. They have no right to see what is hers alone to see! Espying her possessive look, Kyo beckons her into the bathroom, and pulls her to him, in order to warm himself against her, delighted at what he has seen as proof of her feelings for him. She tries to hide her uncertainty from him, and is saved by the bell for class, but before she goes, he gives her a locket of protection, tells her to wear it all the time. She later finds out what it contains, and why it is such a significant gift from her beloved.
When the boy who had attempted to woo her before returns in a new guise, a new element is added to an already unusual relationship – he says he has given up on Misao, but Ryo demands he prove it, by showing him the Senka Roku. Kuzu claims he cannot, as he is not the leader of his clan, but when Ryo presses the matter, he promises to bring it up to the others, leaving a very baffled Misao wondering just what the Senka Roku is, and what it has to do with anything. The closer that Misao and Ryo become, the more she realizes that she truly loves him, and the more she is frightened by what she perceives the future holds for them. She is loved and respected by Ryo's clan, who refer to her as their Lady, and she cares for them as well. Kuzu is determined to make Misao his own bride, even if it takes defeating Ryo to accomplish this. And other forces are at work, equally determined to get in the way of their romance. Will true love prevail? And will they live long enough to enjoy it?

Black Bird is a wonderful shojo tale, and was the winner of the 54th Shogakukan manga award! Viz has given this manga a T+ rating, indicating that it is for older teens, and rightfully so, for the relationship between Misao and Ryo is not only romantic it is quite steamy, and you might find yourself fanning yourself off as you follow their heated exchanges. I am a sucker for this type of romance, and the mangaka has done an excellent job in conveying the difficulties which this couple must traverse in order to be together in the ultimate sense, the twist being that the consummation might prove to be more pain than pleasure! Ryo's clan is made up of some delightful secondary characters, especially the small triplets, which adds another enjoyable layer to the story. I enjoyed the artwork greatly; she goes to great detail in her work, and it is well done. The love between the main characters is tender and funny and warm…. of course I want them to be together, doesn't everyone? I can't wait for the next volume, to see what happens next. Will these two live happily ever after, or will they become the next Romeo and Juliet? Only time will tell!
ComicsOnline gives Black Bird, volume 3, 4 out of 5 special pendants.
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