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Manga Review: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap


Once upon a time, a long long time ago, terrible evil sprites appeared in the world. They ravaged the land and burned the towns to the ground. Then the Picori, a magical race of people, gave a powerful sword to a hero, a sword fused with the crystalline forms of the energies that fill our world. The hero used the sword of power to banish the evil from the world. Nowadays the people of Hyrul throw a celebration every year dedicated to this hero. This year marks the 100th anniversary, but for one young hero his dream will be shattered. For young Link, all he’s been waiting for in this festival is to enter the sword fighting contest. The winner of the contest gets to touch the legendary sword used by the hero 100 years ago. Sadly, Link’s sword fighting teacher, Master Swiftblade, believes that Link is too inexperienced to fight. One man who enters the contest is so powerful that no one can even put up a fight. When the sword is presented to the winner of the contest, instead of touching it he breaks it and the box it is in, releasing the evil sprites inside. Angry that what he is looking for isn't in the box he uses his powers to turn Zelda into stone. Now with Princess Zelda turned into stone and monsters destroying the land, the only thing to do is to reforge the Sword, and only Link can do it.     

There are a few things that you should know about the Picori. Picori are really very small, they are no bigger than your thumbnail. More than a sword was bestowed upon the people of Hyrule, the Picori also gave the Light Force to the royal family. The evil man who enters the sword torment, named Vaati, is looking for the Light Force and that is why he breaks the Sword used by the Hero. There are three types of Picori, Town, Forest, and Mountain. The Town and the Forest Picori look pretty much the same, with red caps and green ponchos, but the mountain Picori have black shirts, baggy pants, a head band, and a large hammer with a pick in the end. The last and most important thing about Picori is that they can only be seen by children. 


Link is the obvious choice to send on this quest, because he is the only kid that the king knows, so he is sent to the Minish Woods to find the Picori. While Link is in this forest he runs across a strange bird hat creature that is being attacked by some Octoroks. Even though Link tries to ignore it, the bird thing notices Link and yells at him to come and help. The bird hat wis named Elzo and is trying to break a curse. Because Elzo kows a lot about the Picori and their world Link lets him ride oh his head.

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is based off the GameBoy Advance game The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. The game was released in North America, January 10, 2005. The Minish Cap is the twelfth game in the Legend of Zelda series. 


The Minish Cap is also the third Legend of Zelda manga/game to use the Four Swords story. Four Swords for GameBoy Advance, Four Swords Adventure for GameCube and the Minish Cap all feature Vaati as the main antagonist. Minish Cap is important, because it tells Vaati’s back story. Vaati was actually and still is a Picori, but his master made a magical hat that can grant wishes. When Vaati took the hat he used it’s power to enter the Human World. 

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is different than most The Legend of Zelda stories. Link had been in mountains, rivers, woods, volcanos, through time, and even into another world where he looked like a pink bunny, but this is the first time he has shrunk. Although it is different, it is also the same as the other Legend of Zelda stories, there is an ultimate sword and if Link doesn’t get it, the world is doomed. The transition from game to manga was excellent. As I was reading it I keep remembering my game experience. There is also a part where I was thinking, “I remember that” or “Wow, I didn’t think that would be in there”. The one thing that did annoy me was when Link was getting the elements, each temple that held the element was a lot shorter and easier for Link to get through than it was in the game. Although the temples bothered me, I think that it was still well done, because I know that not everything can be included. Even if you haven’t played the game or aren’t filmier with the series this is still a good book, but it definitely brings back memories of game days gone by.

ComicsOnline gives The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, 5 out of 5 epic adventures.

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