“What you don’t see will kill you” could not be more true when you’re in the cannibalistic mutants butcher shop. At night. So goes Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead, the third in the Wrong Turn franchise.
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead is the further exploits of Three Finger (Borislov Illiev – stuntman) and anyone who crosses his plate. This time he starts by making Deliverance seem like a game of Twister for four young whitewater rafters. Three of them become snacks and a nice stew and the fourth stays alive to help the next group of entrees. This time it’s a prisoner transfer gone wrong, and when the bus crashes the guards and prisoners have to find a way to co-operate and survive until help arrives. Yeah, right. Guards Walter (Chucky Venice – Return to the House On Haunted Hill) and Nate (Tom Frederic – Blood Trails) end up being the captives of inmates Mexican Mafia don Chavez (Tamer Hassan – Dead Man Running), Ayrian brother Floyd (Gil Collaring – Return to the House On Haunted Hill), carjacker Crawford (Jake Curran – Primeval), and convicted killer (but I’m innocent) Brent (Charley Speed – Desire) when the guns fall into the prisoners' hands after the bus is run off the road by Three Finger. So the group, who has also picked up the survivor from the rafting expedition Alex (Janet Montgomery – The Hills Run Red), needs to not only survive Three Finger, but also each other. Factor in the slaughter of Three Toes and the discovery of an armored car that wasn’t robbed, just used as a takeout container, to complicate matters. And the mutants can still take more punishment then a normal person.
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead has the same premise but the tone is different. Instead of having a group of people that mostly don’t deserve to die hideously, we now have a group that you hope that Three Finger gets to before the search teams. And Three Fingers still has more ways to prepare meals than Vince with a Slap Chop in each hand.
Special Features:
– Wrong Turn 3 in 3 fingers… I mean parts
"Action, Gore, Chaos"
"Brother in Blood"
"Three Fingers Fight Night"
– Deleted Scenes
I enjoyed this movie but not as much as the previous two. There are a couple of computer generated effects that just look cheesy, and some of the obvious continuity flaws stand out when they happen for a third time. The most obvious is when we find out that one of the guards grew up in this area but seems surprised at the existence of the mutant cannibals, while the sheriff and deputy are only mildly concerned. But this is a good movie that has some “Oh My” moments, decent effects and an interesting storyline.
ComicsOnline gives Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead 3½ bowls of head stew out of 5.