SDCC The Lost Panel
When we first arrived on Saturday, we thought there was no absolute way we'd get into the LOST panel. In the past few years people have camped out the night before, and we saw these unfortunate souls on the way home on Friday. However, upon coming up to Hall H, it was actually not nearly as long as we feared so we got in line. Everyone was very excited, as you can see.
Matt and Kroze had a very particular reason to be happy, as we found out later on in the panel.
Then we all took turns making ugly Jackfaces.
CC09 – Chuck Interviews Part 1 of 3 – Morgan Interviews Adam Baldwin
14 year old Morgan interviews the very tall Adam Baldwin, aka Colonel Casey from Chuck.
CC09: Torchwood-Exclusive Interview with John Barrowman
This year at Comic-Con, ComicsOnline's very own Kroze got another exclusive interview with Captain Jack Harkness himself, John Barrowman!
We hope you enjoy this interview:
Special thanks again to our friends at Holzheimer's who set up this interview. Check out their website at:
CC09: Battlestar Galactica “The Plan”- Interview with Edward James Olmos
Following the BSG/Caprica Panel last friday, we got to speak with Edward James Olmos about his experience while directing the upcoming BSG Movie- "The Plan".
DVD Review: The Middleman: The Complete Series
I have been surrounded by comics all of my life. My grandfather was a cartoonist during World War II. My family went to Comic-Con number zero. This has been a part of our lives. We read the western comics, the sci-fi comics, but most of all the superhero comics. So when I found out that The Middleman would be a series on ABC Famiily, I jumped at the chance to watch it. It turned out to be the best new series when it premiered, and I watched every show. It was everything that I wanted a modern superhero show to be, funny, Smart, heroic. All with a sense of self, and that which came before it. This was the new hero show.
CC09: Saturday Photos – Hall H Programs
Here are some photos from the programs Saturday in Hall H.
First up, LOST!
CC09: Amanda Palmer at The Women’s Club
I am probably the worst person to write a show review as I get too lost in the music and the experience to bother writing down set lists or remembering specifics. But if any show doesn’t warrant a typical show review, this would be it.
CC09: Highly Anticipated MMORPG Aion
The upcoming and highly anticipated MMORPG from NCSoft is available for play at CC09, satisfying the curiosity of many addictive gamers attending the convention. I was able to fight my way through a crowd of antsy gamers and get my hands on a computer station to try the game out for myself. With just the half hour I was able to play around the graphically appeasing world of Aion, I was able to gather several details about its gameplay that many of us MMORPG fanatics have been dying to find out.
CC09: Highly Anticipated MMORPG Aion
The upcoming and highly anticipated MMORPG from NCSoft is available for play at CC09, satisfying the curiosity of many addictive gamers attending the convention. I was able to fight my way through a crowd of antsy gamers and get my hands on a computer station to try the game out for myself. With just the half hour I was able to play around the graphically appeasing world of Aion, I was able to gather several details about its gameplay that many of us MMORPG fanatics have been dying to find out.
CC09: The Middleman Interviews
Fans at Comic-Con were treated to something very special today: The FULL cast reunion of The Middleman TV Series for a once in a lifetime readthrough of the unaired series finale “The Middleman – The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse “. Following the readthrough ComicsOnline got to speak with Natalie Morales (Wendy Watson), Matt Keeslar (The Middleman), and director Javier Grillo-Marxuach to talk about some of the remaining unanswered questions.
The following video contains spoilers for The Middleman and the remaining 13th episode. Enjoy!
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Manga Entertainments Creative Team

I recently had the chance to pose some questions to the creative staff at Manga Entertainment. Manga Entertainment is one of the largest translators of anime and manga around the world, oginally founed in London, England and currently headquarted in Los Angeles, California. They are known for translating titles like Akira and Ghost in the Shell.
1. Who founded Manga Entertainment and why?
CC09: Friday Photos
A little snapshot of some of the people we saw today.
John Dimaggio gets interviewed by Captain Caveman about Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
Gene Simmons
Gene Simmons with son Nick Simmons, who was here to talk about his Comic "Incarnate" put out by Radical Comics.
CC09: STARGATE UNIVERSE- Interviews (Parts 1 and 2 )
Stargate Universe, the newest incarnation of the Stargate franchise, is about to launch in October 2009, and fans were lucky enough to catch an extended glimpse at this new series in Ballroom 20 on Friday. A majority of the cast were on hand to talk about the new show and answer some questions from the fans. Following the panel, ComicsOnline was fortunate enough to speak with ALL of the attending cast and crew from Stargate Universe!
This first interview is with Robert Carlyle and Alaina Huffman:
The second interview is with Brad Wright and Robert Cooper:
CC09 – Kevin Eastman Panel
It was upsetting to learn that the show that I thought of as my own in my formative years started as a joke. 25 years ago, Kevin Eastman co-created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a mockery of the ridiculous, over-the-top TV shows and comics of the day. Now a 47 year old father, he discussed the creation and legacy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as his current projects at his panel at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con (which he has faithfully attended since 1986).