
– Celebrating 25 Years of Everything Geek Pop Culture!

SDCC The Lost Panel

When we first arrived on Saturday, we thought there was no absolute way we'd get into the LOST panel. In the past few years people have camped out the night before, and we saw these unfortunate souls on the way home on Friday. However, upon coming up to Hall H, it was actually not nearly as long as we feared so we got in line. Everyone was very excited, as you can see.

Matt and Kroze had a very particular reason to be happy, as we found out later on in the panel.

Then we all took turns making ugly Jackfaces.

Read on for more ….

Finally the line moved into Hall H and we got seats right by the left side microphone. This is where questions were asked and this became vitally important later in the panel. Once the entire room was full they started off the panel with Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindeloff coming up. This would be the very last LOST comic con panel since it is the last year, and they decided to make this the year of the fan. They showed several excellent fanmade videos, including one of my personal favorites Brokeback Island, where Sawyer and Jack declare their undying devotion to one another. Questions were allowed to be asked, and they also offered a prize to anyone who said the 'magic word.' The duo also said that to prove they knew all along what the ending would be, they would put the very last two pages of season six into a box and open it on Jimmy Kimmel once the series finale aired. Everyone eyed that box with fanatic suspicion.

After a few questions, they announced that a set of fans made a special opening credits song just for LOST. It turns out that our very own Matt Sernaker and Kroze were a part of this team, and they stood up to be recognized by everyone. The music was then played over an ABC-made promo, and the best part of that was when they put "Terry O'Quinn" as ???. Ha! Then the cameras went back over to the question microphone, and zomg it is Jorge Garcia!

Jorge starts asking about LOST and says they wouldn't return his phone calls. He asks if all the mysteries of LOST would be answered, even the one about Shannon's inhaler back in season one. They told him to trust them, and he snarked they said that Nikki and Paulo would be awesome. In the middle of another questions, Michael Emerson comes out from off stage and tells him that it is only one question per person. They start riffing off one another in an amusing way, and this sets it up for a special clip of Michael Emerson pretending to try out for Hurley in the original audition period. He looks completely ridiculous and awkward trying to speak like a surfer dude, and then the two actors join Carlton and Damon on stage. Lovely to see them!

More questions were asked, but as expected none were directly answered. We are assured that both Daniel Faraday and Juliet will appear again this season, although whether alive or dead is anyone's guess. At the beginning of the panel we saw a few special clips that lead us to believe things in the LOST world have officially changed. Hurley still owns his chicken shack and apparently made it back from Australia safely, and Kate is still on the lam for not killing Wayne, but actually his assistant! We also saw a video of Oceanic Airlines swearing they've never had a crash in all their years. Duh duh duh! It looks like Jack and co.'s plan actually worked!

When someone questioned Nestor Carbonell and whether or not he wears eyeliner, they go to a clip of the actor backstage being a diva about his exact brand of eyeliner. Then he recognizes the camera and flips out. This is to lead him onto the stage and everyone cheers and claps for him. The next surprise was when they introduced a new guest, and showed an absolutely delicious video of everyone's favorite bad boy hunk, Sawyer. Josh Holloway enters the stage amongst many fangirl screams (maybe mine too), and he jabs Damon with a 'taser.' He then takes the key Damon had to the super secret box, and forces the other one out of Carlton, only after playfully calling Damon "J.J. Abrams" and nicknaming Carlton "Frankenstein." They open the box and Michael Emerson takes the pages to read.

Now many people know how much the Heroes fans fight with the LOST fans, usually because of a few choice words Tim Kring made in jealousy about his 'rival' show back in the day. Michael Emerson reads a few pages with Sylar and Parkman talking in a giant carnival, and then he puts it down and says "What the f*** is this?!" The crowd goes wild cheering! The panel was way behind so they did a final clip show of all the characters dead on LOST in the past few seasons. Be aware that Claire, Juliet, Sayid, Locke, and Jacob were not added on that list. They show an end clip of Charlie, which is still emotional to watch even after all this time, and then Dominic Monaghan came out on stage to wave farewell to everyone. He was there for Flashforward and may very well be returning to LOST for a guest appearance, since apparently many other characters will be as well.

This was definitely an entertaining last appearance for the show, but it's bittersweet. I can't imagine coming to Comic Con and not waiting for hours to see the panel. What will we do without LOST? The final season starts early 2010, so get ready now.

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"Earth-1 Chelsea" lives in Maine where she teaches her father how to play golf and avoid deer ticks. She is too good a writer to play in our sandbox much anymore. *tear*
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