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DVD Review: Wolverine and the X-Men Vol. 1

When the world needs saving, they turn to…the Avengers. But when the Avengers aren't available they turn to…the Fantastic Four. But when the Fantastic Four are trapped somewhere in the Negative Zone they rely on…The X-Men! While they may not be the first team that gets called on when the world is threatened (because humanity really hates mutants), they are the ones you call when you need to stop evil mutants…because they are really good at that (well, that and blowing up giant mutant hunting robots). The X-Men make a triumphant return to the animated world in Volume 1 of Wolverine and the X-Men which is now available on DVD!

What happens when you take some of the best X-Men storylines and characters from the last 40+ years and put them together in a new animated series? Wolverine and the X-Men. Professor Charles Xavier created The Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters to help train young mutants how to use their powers and teach them how to live in peace with the rest of humanity. These students would later on protect humans and help other mutants when needed. The story begins with the Institute coming under attack from an unknown source and Professor Xavier and Jean Grey are supposedly killed in the attack. With the leadership of the X-Men crippled and the school in ruins, the school and team are disbanded.

Skip ahead one year and all of X-Men have gone their own way. Wolverine (voiced Steve Blum who played Wolverine in the animated feature film Hulk Vs) is out on his own and trying to avoid being captured by the MRD (Mutant Response Division). Cyclops has reverted to the EMO version of the character. Angel is trying to stop his father from creating mutant hunting robots. Wolverine tracks down Beast (who is living in the ruins of the mansion) and together they go off to find some of the remaining X-Men and enlist their aid in rescuing their teammates who have been captured by the MRD. (Watch carefully during the prision break and see if you can name all of the mutants involved).

The X-Men save their teammates, but this action causes Senator Kelly to push the new Mutant Registration Act requiring the documentation of anyone with powers. He is also pushing the new Sentinel Program forward. These robots would be used to hunt down rogue mutants and protect humanity.

With help from Warren Worthington (aka the Angel) the mansion is rebuilt and the X-Men have a place to call home once again…only to have a new houseguest: The White Queen! Emma Frost arrives onsite and offers her services to locate the missing Professor Xaiver. Using Cerebro she is able to pinpoint is location and learns that he is at Genosha! Oh and who is the ruler of Genosha? That would be MAGNETO!

A rescue is launched and we learn from Magneto himself that Xavier only recently appeared on the shores of Genosha and he has been taking care of his old friend. Xavier is in a catatonic state and hasn't said a word. He is taken back to the mansion and we learn that he will not come out of this coma for 20 years! He has made contact from the future with a warning of things to come: If the X-Men can't change key events then mutants and humanity are doomed! Now the X-Men must work together to prevent this dark future (aka the Days of Future's Past storyline) from happening!

Special Features
-"Nicktoons Network Going InScene" for Wolverine and the X-Men

-Character Profiles: Wolverine and the X-Men

-Making of Wolverine and the X-Men

-Audio Commentary with Craig Kyle and Greg Johnson

-Audio Commentary with Boyd Kirkland and Steven Gordon

This series premiered at the 2008 Comic-Con San Diego and was a pleasure to watch. The overall storyline concept is great and is something that really hasn't been done well in the animated format before and the incorporation of so many classic X-Men character is handled with the utmost care and consideration. This series is a dream come true for fans and is great for newcomers as well. The minds behind this series have found the perfect way to modernize these stories while maintaining the elements that made them so enjoyable in the first place. The series is currently airing it's first season in the United States and we can look forward to not only a second, but a third season as well!

ComicsOnline gives Wolverine and the X-Men Volume 1: Heroes Return 5 out of 5 cameos from classic X-Men Characters.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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