You come home to find your apartment filled with guns, explosives and bomb making materials. Oh my! Your cell phone rings and the voice on the other end inform you that you have 30 seconds to leave before you are arrested by the F.B.I. for terrorism. This is the beginning of the latest action packed thriller from the newest big screen action hero, Shia LaBeouf.
Eagle Eye revolves the manipulation of Jerry Shaw (Shai LaBeouf – Transformers) and Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan – Mission Impossible III) by some unknown entity. An unknown entity that can manipulate their surroundings as easily as our heroes. Add Agent Thomas Morgan (Billy Bob Thornton – Mr. Woodcock) who wants to apprehend Jerry and the mysterious accomplice, and Agent Zoe Perez (Rosario Dawson – Sin City) who‘s trying to figure out how the Air Force is involved.
From that fateful phone call to the reason for the call Eagle Eye is non-stop action with glimpses into the identity of the caller, and the reason Jerry and Rachel are involved.
Eagle Eye is a bit weak to start, high on action, low on story. The movie seems to have no purpose at first, but as the plot unfolds so does the intrigue, and you realize that this is an intelligent, well thought out movie. And the casting is as intelligent as well. The movie progresses at a quick pace and the cast keeps up.
The Special Features on this 2 – Disc Edition consist of:
Deleted Scenes
Road Trip: On Location With Cast and Crew
Alternate Ending
Asymmetrical Warfare: The Making of Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye on Location: Washington, D.C.
Is My Cell Phone Spying on Me?
Shall We Play A Game?
Gag Reel
Photo Gallery
Theatrical Trailer
I fully expected Eagle Eye to be a mediocre movie, that relies on big names, and lots of explosions and crashes. Instead Eagle Eye delivers on all levels.
ComicsOnline gives Eagle Eye 4 ½ conspiracies out of 5.